Professor Laurie Mcneill Reviews
Class Ratings
1Awful Class
3Avg. Difficulty
Professor Rating
3OK Prof
Prof: Laurie Mcneill / Winter 2022
Jan 4, 2023
Comments on the course
Garbage course. I took it to complete the communication requirement but ended up with a disappointing grade. The material used in the first 2 weeks was a comic which I found very interesting so I didn't drop the course, but the after that it started getting heavier and heavier for someone who's not good with reading large novels or doesn't find it interesting. I should have dropped this course while I could. I literally got reported for academic misconduct because of some errors in citations.
Comments on the professor
Made things interesting but overall the grading was shit.
Just don't take this course. If you're a first year take SCIE 113, otherwise just go with WRDS or ENGL110.
Participation HeavyAssignment Heavy