Professor Tony Silva Reviews
Class Ratings
3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful
Professor Rating
3OK Prof
Prof: Tony Silva / Winter 2023
May 12, 2023
Comments on the course
A really interesting class, but a lot of work. 9 reading memos (almost every week, based on 2-4 classes each with 2-4 readings, so a memo could have anywhere from 4-9 readings yet we always had to write 1200 words), participation every class (so we had to attend, or get a concession for every single absence), and final paper. No breaks on the recurring things
Comments on the professor
Talks fast with a soft monotone voice, but content makes it rather easy to follow
Don't take with a full courseload. This was one of my 5, bad idea. But with 4 you might be okay.