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Professor Benjamin Pageler Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Benjamin Pageler / Winter 2022

Oct 29, 2022

Comments on the course

The course was more theoretical than it was probably intended to be as it had a cross listing with the psych department as well. The professor was also new, so the course itself was heavily dictated on the professor's preference.

Course Content

Content was very philosophical: if you were expecting more of a scientific approach then Professor Pageler is not for you. We did go into the scientific mechanisms but we focused a lot more on the theoretical theories of how these systems are interwoven and the philosophical definitions of qualia.

Comments on the professor

The professor has a bad rep ngl. He could be stubborn about the details of the philosophy, but I think he was exaggerated to be worse than he really is. I took the time to talk with him about the theory and philosophy, as well as engage in conversations about his research and interest in philosophy and he was incredibly understanding and kind. I bumped up the prof rating because he even decreased the difficulty of some of his exams as the concerns of the class were taken into consideration.


With this professor, it was really theoretical. Research the professor who is teaching it because that will largely dictate the direction of the course. If it is listed as CGS with a professor like Pageler, it will be philosophical with science to support theory. If its a professor who is largely focused on empirical evidence, the focus might be entirely different.

Course: CGS 138Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: LightTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyAttendance Heavy