BIOL 205
The Organization and Diversity of Life
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Prof: George Powell / Spring 2022
Dec 7, 2022
I found this course easy in the sense that the exam questions were very fair, and come from the course notes (no textbook required.) However, the exam class averages by no means were outstanding and much lower than what I was expecting. I would say the hardest part is not the content itself, but the amount of content there is to get through, and thus the speed at which it is taught.
I wouldn't exactly call this course an "exact repeat" of high school biology as I was told it would be (I found it to go more in-depth than high school), but there certainly was quite a bit of overlap between Bio 20&30 (Alberta) and this course. In short, it covered cell structure, genetics, evolution, and ecology.
I thought Dr. Powell was excellent. He was very clear about what was and wasn't testable material. In the spring he also live-streamed and recorded the classes which I greatly appreciated and found beneficial to be able to re-watch certain parts of lectures. Overall, a good prof.
Study hard, memorize all the slides, and you will do fine.
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