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UCalgary Course Reviews

University of Calgary

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 385Abnormal Psychology3.83.73.333
MATH 211Linear Methods I1.71.732.73
ANTH 201Introduction to Biological Anthropology4.4454.52
ENGG 201Behaviour of Liquids, Gases and Solids3.933.53.52
ENGO 363Estimation and Statistical Testing4.543.552
ENGG 349Dynamics2.
SENG 471Software Requirements Engineering2.23.512.52
PSYC 373Motivation42.554.52
ANTH 331Sex and Gender3.532.51.52
PHYS 221Mechanics3.53232
RELS 373Topics in Religious Studies32332
ENGO 333Computing for Geomatics Engineers534.552
PHIL 201Mind, Matter and God43541
MATH 327Number Theory3.33431
MATH 375Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists3.32351
PHYS 369Acoustics, Optics and Radiation (for students in Engineering)2.72421
ANTH 305Human Variation and Adaptation2.72331
ECON 425International Trade2.31331
ENGO 327Spectral Analysis in Geomatics1.71131
GRST 209Classical Mythology and Literature43321
PLBI 327Systematics and Diversity of Plants43441
POLI 381Introduction to International Relations32241
EDUC 460Specialization I24221
SUST 201Exploring Sustainability54541
RELS 387Christian Monks, Mystics and Reformers53551
SENG 401Software Architecture14221
ARHI 201Introduction to Art History I54421
MDSC 341Principles of Human Genetics43541
MDSC 203Developing Health Research Literacy I43551
MATH 265University Calculus I55451
INTR 301A Multidisciplinary Survey of International Relations23211
ARHI 203Introduction to Art History II54511
MDSC 508Honours Thesis and Research Communication11111
ENGL 251Literature and Society43421
GEOG 280Thinking Spatially in a Digital World42341
CPSC 521Foundations of Functional Programming51551
EDUC 427Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)34321
MATH 315Algebra I13531
CPSC 471Data Base Management Systems22231
ENCI 451Structural Engineering I11111
PSYC 411Design and Analysis in Psychological Research43451
GERM 202German I24231
GLGY 305Introduction to Dinosaurs45311
ENME 626Corrosion Science in the Pipelines Industry55551
MATH 515Foundations55551
ASTR 207Introduction to Astronomy I - The Solar System55531
BMEN 381Mechanics I43441
MATH 267University Calculus II53551
GEOG 308Climate and Ecosystems43431
CHEM 201General Chemistry: Structure and Bonding12111
ENEL 300Electrical and Computer Engineering Professional Skills34331
BMEN 322Biomedical Engineering Processes13311
ENGG 687Ethics, Law, and the Engineering Profession15111
BCEM 341Biochemistry of Life Processes11241
SENG 438Software Testing, Reliability, and Quality34331
MDSC 205Developing Health Research Literacy II32451
ENME 622Pump and Compressor Stations24331
POLI 201Introduction to Government and Politics44341
GOPH 375Natural Disasters and Critical Earth Phenomena42541
GEOG 310Landforms and Soils42431
GEOG 452Urban Social Geography42451
CPSC 481Human-Computer Interaction I43531
BIOL 205The Organization and Diversity of Life44331
GEOG 354Social and Cultural Geography44541
PSYC 375Brain and Behaviour32441
CPSC 217Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I43551
CPSC 319Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Applications13351
CHEM 203General Chemistry: Change and Equilibrium42531
ARCH 690Studio Research Selective00000
ANTH 571Honours Seminar in Biological Anthropology00000
ARCH 698Taylor Workshop00000
ARCH 790Directed Study in Architecture00000
ACSC 619Quantitative Financial Risk Management00000
ANTH 603Thesis Development00000
ART 235Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging00000
ART 301Studies in Contemporary Canadian Art00000
ANTH 631Anthropological Theory00000
ART 312Net Video Art00000
ART 315Programming for Artists00000
ACCT 661Cost Accounting00000
ENAE 410Aerospace Analysis and Design00000
ANTH 659Primatology00000
ART 323Digital Sculpture00000
ART 332Topics in Photography00000
ALMC 301Continuing Arabic I00000
ART 340Panorama and 360 Virtual Reality Photography00000
ART 343Drawing: Construction of Pictorial Space00000
AFST 501Capstone Seminar in African Studies00000
ALMC 317Muslim Civilization I00000
ART 350Painting: Materials and Processes00000
ART 361Visual Research Methods00000
ALMC 345Topics in Colloquial Spoken Arabic II00000
ART 377Printmaking: Screenprint00000
ART 397Professional Development00000
ACCT 443Advanced Financial Accounting00000
ACCT 667Advanced Auditing00000
ANTH 203Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
ALMC 413Reading Classical Arabic00000
ART 414Advanced Topics in Indigenous Art00000
ART 445Advanced Topics in Drawing00000