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Professor Cenke Xu Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Cenke Xu / Fall 2020

Nov 18, 2021

Comments on the course

Class is NOT easy, but it's not impossible. Things that you learn in this class are very practical, especially for STEM.

Course Content

Some Topics to Consider: -Vector Operations -Kinematics -Oscillation -Center of Mass -Frame of Reference -Circular Motion -Gravitation -Spring Force -Momentum -Kinetic and Static Energy

Comments on the professor

Pros: very responsive and listens to his students (wants you to pass). Cons: Lectures may be hard to understand and his thoughts are really fast.


Know the concepts. Prof. Xu's exams are very conceptually heavy, and you can get the majority of points just from having the right approach. For the calculations themselves, make sure you understand the contents of math 3b at the minimum.

Course: PHYS 21Delivery: OnlineGrade: BWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
1Very Hard

Prof: Cenke Xu / Fall 2021

Nov 17, 2021

Comments on the course

VERY difficult for the first class in the series and apparently the next courses only get harder. If not specifically required for major or if you don't have great intuition on physics problems, definitely avoid.

Course Content

Vectors, Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Forces, Momentum, Oscillation, Energy (at week 9)

Comments on the professor

Prof Xu is ok. He is very difficult to understand sometimes, writes fairly chaotically on the blackboards, and gives confusing answers during lecture but he is somewhat approachable.


Wish I knew how difficult the course was and that homeworks are due at 5pm instead of 11:59 for some reason

Course: PHYS 21Delivery: HybridGrade: IncompleteWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyExam Heavy