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UDelaware Course Reviews

University of Delaware

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CISC 108Introduction to Computer Science I55551
WOMS 210Women and Religion55531
ANFS 240Functional Anatomy of Domestic Animals32441
MATH 242Analytic Geometry and Calculus B43431
HDFS 202Diversity and Families55441
PHIL 100Philosophies of Life55551
CISC 210Introduction to Systems Programming12111
PHIL 306Philosophy of Science42441
CISC 320Introduction to Algorithms51551
ARTH 210Later Medieval Art: 1000-1400 AD53541
STAT 200Basic Statistical Practice33241
AFRA 351Race and Ethnicity in Latin America00000
ANFS 420Topics in Equine Science: INTRO TO EQUINE THERAPEUTICS00000
ANFS 443Food Engineering Technology00000
ANFS 475Veterinary Biochemistry00000
ACCT 868Research00000
AFRA 642The Black Portrait00000
ANFS 643Food Engineering Technology00000
ANFS 868Research00000
AFSC 110Foundations of the United States Air Force I00000
ANTH 200Introduction to the History of Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 228Peoples and Cultures of the Southwest00000
ACCT 605Current Issues In Management Information Systems00000
AFRA 205Contemporary African American Issues: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE00000
AFSC 410National Security Affairs I00000
ANTH 301Evolutionary Medicine00000
ANFS 415Developmental Biology00000
AFRA 327Race, Gender, Science00000
ANFS 429Food Analysis00000
ACCT 800Financial Reporting and Analysis00000
ANFS 455The Gut Microbiome: Microbial and Host Perspectives00000
AFRA 447Curating Hidden Collections & the Black Archive00000
ANFS 629Food Analysis00000
ACCT 466Independent Study00000
ANFS 666Special Problem00000
AFRA 650Black Community Studies: STREET ETHNOGRAPHY00000
ANTH 103Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology00000
ADMN 561Graduate Contract: Graduate Assistant00000
ANTH 210Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia00000
AFSC 250Field Training Preparation I00000
ANTH 239Arts and Crafts of Native North America00000
ACCT 366Independent Study00000
AGED 666Special Problem00000
ANTH 318Tribal Lifeways00000
ANTH 333Peoples of Africa00000
ANTH 342Issues in American Culture: Archaeological Perspectives00000
ACCT 611Financial Reporting II00000
AFRA 223Sports, Media, and Culture00000
AGRI 224One Health00000
ANFS 101Animals, Science and Society00000
AFRA 227Popular Music of the Global South00000
ANFS 102Food for Thought00000
ANFS 159Topics in Food Science00000
ACCT 414Advanced Federal Taxation00000
ACCT 614Advanced Federal Taxation00000
AFRA 240Create Performances about Black American History using all A...00000
ANFS 181From the Cow to the Cone: The Science and Business of Ice Cr...00000
ANFS 409Food Processing00000
AFRA 324The Art of Social Change00000
ANFS 418Swine Production00000
ACCT 666Special Problem00000
ANFS 424Monogastric Nutrition00000
AFRA 334Black Women's History Since 186500000
ANFS 439Food Microbiology00000
ACCT 425Strategic Information Systems and Accounting00000
ANFS 451Emergency Animal Management00000
AFRA 355Inequality, Crime and Justice00000
ANFS 467Seminar: Current Topics in One's Health00000
ACCT 820Financial Statement Analysis00000
ANFS 611Food Science Capstone00000
AFRA 490Senior Colloquium00000
ANFS 639Food Microbiology00000
ACCT 352Law and Social Issues in Business00000
ANFS 651Emergency Animal Management00000
AFRA 645Black Bodies on Display: Race in Museums00000
ANFS 671Paradigms in Cell Signaling00000
ADMN 103Career and Life Studies Certificate II00000
ANFS 964Pre-Candidacy Study00000
AFRA 666Special Problem00000
ANTH 105Archaeology of Modern World00000
ACCT 601Management Accounting and Control00000
ANTH 204Introduction to Social Science Research Methods in Anthropol...00000
AFSC 151Initial Military Training II00000
ANTH 223Food, Gender and Culture00000
AFRA 110Introduction to African American Studies00000
ANTH 234Environmental Anthropology: Plants, People and Pigs00000
AFSC 311Leadership Studies II00000
ANTH 267Seminar: Prehis Archeol-Japan Ethnicity00000
ACCT 313Taxation for Business and Investment Planning00000
ANTH 305The Evolution of Human Sex Roles and Reproduction00000
AFSC 451Senior Cadet Leader Training II00000
ANTH 325Anthropology of Europe00000
AFRA 215Race in Society00000
AFRA 251Addressing Inequity (Social, Political, Economic, Educationa...00000
ANFS 252Animal Nutrition Applications00000
ANFS 266Special Problem00000
ACCT 618Estate Planning00000
AFRA 295Black Women and Christianity00000
ANFS 305Food Science00000
ANFS 332Introduction to Animal Diseases00000