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CHM 1025

Introduction to Chemistry

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Reviews 5

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Melanie Veige / Fall 2023

Dec 6, 2023

Comments on the course

I thought this class was really good to help build a foundation in chemistry. I didn't take chem in high school and didn't think it would be good to immediately go into chem 1 knowing it is a weed out class. Material is comparable to chem 1, but moves at a much slower pace.

Course Content

Basic intro level chemistry, nothing crazy.

Comments on the professor

I had professor Lopez-Perez (don't know who Melanie Veige is). I LOVED him, very nice and easy going. Very helpful and willing to give individual attention during office hours. Sometimes his teaching could be a little confusing but after some examples it makes sense.


If you don't feel prepared for chem 1 as a freshman TAKE THIS!! So many people advised me not to (saying I was too smart and could handle chem 1), but first semester of college is a big change and you don't realize till you are in it. Set yourself up for success! DO NOT TAKE THE ONLINE SECTION. In person is not as bad as people say it is. I didn't use study edge bc he gave specific worksheets to study. Friends that used study edge did well.

Delivery: In personGrade: A+Workload: LightTextbook Use: Yes
Participation Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

3OK Prof

Prof: Melanie Veige / Fall 2023

Nov 8, 2023

Comments on the course

This class is easy and a good prep for gen chem 1 if you study. There is no reason it should have such a low rating on this website and theres no way you can say its hard... especially not harder than chem 1



Delivery: In person

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Stacey-ann Benjamin / Fall 2022

Feb 24, 2023

Comments on the course

I'm glad I took this class before CHM 2045 because the entire first exam for Gen Chem 1 is the same information covered in CHM 1025. However, if you're not comfortably with chemistry and/or teaching yourself, save yourself the stress of taking this class online.

Comments on the professor

I can't even say anything about her because she did absolutely NOTHING. She would send out announcements telling us what was due and that's about it. None of the lecture videos she provided were of her. She also took a while to answer emails, though she did give me points back on an exam so I'll give her that.


Make time to read the textbook! If you don't take matters into your own hands, you will literally fail. There are no lectures covering everything you need to know in a chapter, just short little informational videos usually taken from other professors or the internet. Make sure you stay on top of your work. Biggest thing is get a study group or join a groupme because you're definitely gonna need a support system.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Boring

Prof: Melanie Veige / Fall 2020

Sep 8, 2021

Comments on the course

you have to pay for the software with the assignments on it, the work is annoying and you will hate having to do it but it isnt hard, exams are pretty easy if you can do basic chem, but you will not learn chem through this class unless you really go out of your way.

Comments on the professor

basically shouldnt have a professor/doesnt utilize professor at all, everything is through the assignment software.


only take this is you have to, it was a waste of time in my opinion. also dont take chem 1 at UF either take it as a transfer credit at some community college, it will be the same stuff just not made to be super difficult for no reason like it is here at UF

Grade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Boring
2Barely Useful

Prof: Melanie Veige / Fall 2020

Sep 8, 2021

Comments on the course

This course is only 2 credits but has the workload of a 4 credit course. There are so many assignments due (all online) that it consumed most of my time during the semester. For an intro class expecting the student to have little/no experience with chem before, it certainly expects you to become comfortable with the material in a very short amount of time.

Comments on the professor

Dr. Veige was responsive when I contacted her, and her recorded lectures were helpful sometimes. But she should definitely reevaluate how much work the course is for only 2 credits.


Skip this class, just do Khan Academy or a community college prep class if you really need it, then go straight into chem 1. The stuff this course teaches is basically the first few weeks of chem 1 anyways, so you don't get that much of an advantage.

Grade: AWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional

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