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UF Course Reviews

University of Florida

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHM 2045General Chemistry
CHM 2210Organic Chemistry
CHM 2211Organic Chemistry
CHM 2046General Chemistry 23.42.433.47
CHM 1025Introduction to Chemistry33.52.336
CHM 2095Chemistry for Engineers 13.632.82.45
CHM 2212Organic Chemistry 1 for Majors3.724.34.73
CHM 3120Introduction to Analytical Chemistry3.
CHM 2211LOrganic Chemistry Laboratory433.333
CHM 3120LAnalytical Chemistry Laboratory4.52452
CHM 2047One-Semester General Chemistry41.53.53.52
CHM 2051Honors General Chemistry 2544.54.52
CHM 2046LGeneral Chemistry 2 Laboratory45541
CHM 2095LChemistry Lab 1 for Engineers44441
CHM 2050Honors General Chemistry 1 for Majors43441
CHM 6910Supervised Research00000
CHM 5235Organic Spectroscopy00000
CHM 2096LChemistry Lab 2 for Engineers00000
CHM 2047LOne-Semester General Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 4611Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHM 1031Basic Chemistry Concepts and Applications 200000
CHM 7979Advanced Research00000
CHM 6037Chemical Biology and Biochemistry Seminar00000
CHM 6190Analytical Chemistry Seminar00000
CHM 6155Spectrochemical Methods00000
CHM 6628Chemistry of Solid Materials00000
CHM 6590Physical Chemistry Seminar00000
CHM 6480Elements of Quantum Chemistry00000
CHM 6165Chemometrics00000
CHM 6391Organic Chem Sem Disc00000
CHM 6381Special Top Org Chem00000
CHM 6271The Chemistry of High Polymers00000
CHM 2054LAccelerated General Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 1020Chemistry for the Liberal Arts00000
CHM 4412Physical Chemistry: Chemical Bonding and Spectroscopy00000
CHM 4308Introduction to Enzyme Mechanism00000
CHM 4272The Organic Chemistry of Polymers00000
CHM 4034Advanced Biochemistry and Chemical Biology00000
CHM 3610Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHM 3217Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 100000
CHM 2213Organic Chemistry 2 for Majors00000
CHM 2200LFundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 2096Chemistry for Engineers 200000
CHM 3218Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 200000
CHM 2045LGeneral Chemistry 1 Laboratory00000
CHM 1030Basic Chemistry Concepts and Applications 100000
CHM 4956Overseas Studies00000
CHM 4930Special Topics00000
CHM 4905Individual Problems00000
CHM 4411LPhysical Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 4300LLaboratory in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology00000
CHM 4143CElectronics and Instrumentation00000
CHM 4130Instrumental Analysis00000
CHM 4940Supervised Teaching00000
CHM 5224Basic Principles for Organic Chemistry00000
CHM 7485Special Topics in Theory of Atomic and Molecular Structure00000
CHM 6935Chemistry Colloquium00000
CHM 6680Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry: Paramagnetic Molecule...00000
CHM 6621Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II00000
CHM 6580Special Topics in Physical Chemistry: Protein-Polymer Biocon...00000
CHM 6461Statistical Thermodynamics00000
CHM 6302Chemistry and Biology of Nucleic Acids00000
CHM 6226Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHM 6158CElectronics and Instrumentation00000
CHM 5275The Organic Chemistry of Polymers00000
CHM 5511Physical Chemistry of Polymers00000
CHM 4910Undergraduate Research00000
CHM 4671Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHM 4413LBiophysical Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 4411Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics00000
CHM 4304Chemical Aspects of Cellular Control00000
CHM 4230Organic Spectroscopy00000
CHM 4130LInstrumental Analysis Laboratory00000
CHM 3610LInorganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHM 3400Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences00000
CHM 2200Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry00000
CHM 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation00000
CHM 6690Inorganic Chemistry Seminar00000
CHM 6626Applications of Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHM 6586Computational Chemistry00000
CHM 6470Chemical Bonding and Spectra I00000
CHM 6390Organic Chemistry Seminar Presentation00000
CHM 6301Enzyme Mechanisms00000
CHM 6225Advanced Principles of Organic Chemistry00000
CHM 6159Mass Spectrometric Methods00000
CHM 6154Chemical Separations00000
CHM 5305Chemistry of Biological Molecules00000
CHM 6971Research for Master's Thesis00000
CHM 6943Internship in College Teaching00000
CHM 6905Individual Problems, Advanced: INDIVIDUAL PROBS ADV00000
CHM 6670Inorganic Biochem00000
CHM 6620Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I00000
CHM 6490Theory of Molecular Spectroscopy00000
CHM 6430Chem Thermodynamics00000
CHM 6306Special Topics in Biological Chemistry Mechanisms: Antibioti...00000
CHM 6227Topics in Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHM 6180Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry: Lasers in Chemistry00000
CHM 6153Electrochemical Processes00000