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CHM 2210

Organic Chemistry 1

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Reviews 11

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
3Kinda Interesting

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Lopez / Spring 2024

Dec 29, 2024

Comments on the course

This class was much harder than any other chemistry I have taken. It was hard to grasp the concepts for me since all the terms were very specific and it was hard to shift molecules in my mind. If you do a lot of practice, you can do well in this course!

Course Content

Professor Lopez's lectures did not help me too much. His office hours do go over a lot of practice problems, but it is hard to get a seat there unless you are early. I would recommend Study Edge to understand the concepts. I did not like the worksheet he gives where the problems are super hard and do not even help with the exams (joining the Zoom meetings with TAs will help because they often explain how to get the answers).

Comments on the professor

I did not interact much with the professor, but a lot of students did think he was helpful if you do communicate.


Do a lot of practice problems. Go to office hours if your schedule allows it. I think Study Edge is helpful too if you can get it. Good luck!

Delivery: In personGrade: B+Workload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Hard

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Jason Portmess / Fall 2024

Dec 20, 2024

Comments on the course

holy this course will really test you, especially if you have portmess. i got an A even though all i did in this class was watch LTPs and take notes using the skeletal notes, and also do the sample UGTA tests before pacing assessments and exams. the LTPs are challenging to actually learn from so you will be pulling up youtube videos and other outside resources to help you learn. i think the only reason i got an A was because of his grading scale and the fact every exam average would be in the 40s. if you can shoot for 65+ on the exams, you're set.

Course Content

i feel like i didn't really learn from this class because even when i was taking exams i would be aiming for a failing grade (60 or above) since that would still be higher than the class average. i remember for the final exam i guessed on the entire second half but still ended up as one of the top scorers. basically i didn't feel that incentivized to actually perform well on the tests because i knew they'd be insanely hard and i would fail regardless.

Comments on the professor

Portmess has been teaching this class for 2 decades now but he lacks the ability to explain the content simply and efficiently. he's very vague at times and he's very much about the "do it yourself approach," where he expects students to work through concepts and problems themselves to learn. i don't think this style of teaching is for everyone, especially for those who struggle to be intuitive with chemistry. i've seen friends who put way much more effort into this class only to be met with failure.


firstly, take pete if you can :( and DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS WITH OTHER HARD CLASSES. you will do so much better if you have the time to dedicate solely to orgo. that's also why i think taking orgo over the summer is a good choice. secondly, watch ALL OF THE LTPs and stay on track as best you can. i used to grind LTPs literally overnight and i'd somehow pull it off but every time i did LTPs beforehard and gave myself time to really retain/practice the content, i would do way better on assessments. thirdly, if you're doing poorly in the class, the worst thing you could do is let that demotivate you. i know how discouraging it is but giving up and putting less effort will only do you more harm. i started out with a C after the first pacing assessent but i got it up to an A after the final more

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Participation HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Lopez / Summer 2023

Aug 12, 2023

Comments on the course

The class is tough for some and easier for others. I didn't enjoy Gen Chem 1 or 2 very much but I did a lot better in Orgo. The class structure was easy to keep up with but your grade is ENTIRELY dependent on your exam grades. For my class exams were worth 90% and the rest were spread between assignments. The workload was light, there was one homework assignment due on Friday that didn't take that long. Office Hours are definitely helpful as well!

Course Content

It is more interesting than Gen Chem in my opinion and I liked Lopez as a teacher.

Comments on the professor

Lopez was a good lecturer and has good office hours.


Study as you go and don't cram. Cramming may work for the first or second exam, but anything past that is a lot more intensive.

Delivery: In personGrade: A-Workload: Very LightTextbook Use: No
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Stefanie Habenicht / Fall 2022

Jan 10, 2023

Comments on the course

It is a difficult course but as long as you study you can do well.

Comments on the professor

Habenicht was outstanding and made the class easier since her practice exams are similar to the actual exams and the worksheets are also good for studying for the exams.


Do all the worksheets and practice exams. Take Habenicht. Study edge is also very useful.

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Peterson And Habenicht / Spring 2021

Jun 24, 2022

Comments on the course

It was for credit but I would never take this if I didn't have to.

Course Content

It is useful if you are a pre-medical student because it is handy for the MCAT. It is a lot of information and this class needs a good professor so that you can do well in Orgo 2

Comments on the professor

P was great H was not. I really struggled with the material she taught but Peterson was good at explaining everything that we needed to know


I used study edge and tbh I would have passed if I didn't, but everyone is different

Delivery: OnlineGrade: C+Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Hard

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Jason Portmess / Spring 2022

Apr 11, 2022

Comments on the course

Very hard class

Delivery: HybridGrade: Drop/WithdrawalWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Participation HeavyAssignment HeavyQuiz HeavyExam Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
1Very Hard

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Lopez / Spring 2022

Feb 28, 2022

Comments on the course

Although I've done alright on the first two exams, this class really makes me want to pay a visit to the DNA bridge that does not involve me coming back from the DNA bridge. StudyEdge is good. His practice problems are okay. The exams are basically the practice exams. His lectures are really rambling and confusing, but I can say that his office hours clarify a lot of the stuff that he delivers weirdly in class.

Comments on the professor

Lopez makes lowkey sexist comments sometimes. He's passionate but not the best lecturer. He's not that supportive of students unless you try to kiss up and cultivate a personal relationship with him.


How to make an appointment with the CWC.

Delivery: In personGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Peterson And Habenicht / Fall 2020

Oct 26, 2021

Comments on the course

They give you a lot of great resources to succeed. Professors in the future do not so definitely cherish the moment.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: A-

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Peterson And Habenicht / Spring 2021

Oct 13, 2021

Comments on the course

Easy if you put in the work and do all practice exams. Exam 2 is tough, especially if you’re not a visual person. But the rest is basically memorization and if you do a lot of practice it becomes like second nature.

Comments on the professor

Amazing and clear lectures. Exams were tricky sometimes but with enough practice an A is achievable


StudyEdge is not necessary, as the lectures have everything you need. If you want even more practice it could be useful.

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Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: No
Exam Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting

Prof: Peterson And Habenicht / Fall 2020

Oct 11, 2021

Comments on the course

Very difficult course, but not impossible.

Course Content

Beginning was a lot easier with Nomenclature and learning the basics. It got a lot harder as the semester went on, and you started learning about reactions and their mechanisms. Had to memorize over 30 different reactions, many of which were very similar so you could confuse them easily.

Comments on the professor

I had Peterson. Great professor and really helpful.


Definitely get all the ALEKS homework done before the semester begins! Easier to understand what is going on in the first few weeks, and gives you more time to study/focus on other things.

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Delivery: OnlineGrade: BWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Peterson And Habenicht / Summer 2021

Sep 5, 2021

Comments on the course

Hard, but put in the work and an A is doable.

Comments on the professor

Peterson is easier.


Take with peterson, do tons of practice problems.

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Grade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional

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