LIN 3010
Introduction to Linguistics
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Prof: Jamie Garner / Fall 2024
Feb 18, 2025
Easy introduction to linguistics
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Professor Rating
Prof: Jamie Garner / Fall 2022
Feb 24, 2023
If you're only selecting this course for an elective and aren't interested in linguistics, this course will be very difficult for you. Even if you do well on the assignments, it's possible almost to fail the course because the exams are heavy.
Readings, Homefund, Quizzes, and Exams The book is HORRIBLE but needed.
Professor was great, and the videos helped me understand the concepts the most.
Watch the videos with the Professor in them.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Yihan Chen / Fall 2022
Dec 12, 2022
I overall thought the course was very interesting, never too overwhelming.
The class explores phonetics, syntax, semantics, morphology, psycholinguistic and more.It was useful and made learning Spanish easier for me. I also felt I had a greater understanding of not just English but all languages.
Professor Yihan Chen is very kind and helpful. Always available to answer questions and uses helpful analogies in class.
Although it is an intro course, I wouldn’t say it’s completely light work. There is a need for conceptual understanding so it’s not just memorization. Also, not many grades so be very careful to do your best on all of your assignments, as there aren’t many.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Jamie Garner / Summer 2022
Jun 11, 2022
I took this online Summer A and it was a solid online course. Discussion posts were actually helpful, and quizzes prepared you for the exams. The course is very exam-heavy, but the exams are fair and there are a couple points of extra credit by doing study guides (which are helpful anyways)
Linguistics is fun! There was a lot more technical stuff than I expected and some more memorization than ideal, but overall it was cool stuff
Dr. Garner was approachable and encouraged people come to her office hours
Always do the study guides for extra credit! The textbook is helpful but not as important as the videos
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Professor Rating
Prof: Kutlu / Spring 2020
Apr 18, 2022
easy class
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Professor Rating
Prof: Jamie Garner / Fall 2021
Jan 8, 2022
As a lin major, this course was required and I found it to be very easy and interesting. Be prepared to make weird sounds and speak during exams! Don't buy the textbook, Dr. Garner has great recorded lectures with practice exam questions at the end!
Dr. Garner is so nice and was always helpful in the discussions. Be sure to do the study guide and email it to them, it's extra credit which can really help on the midterm and final.
Class Ratings
Prof: James Garner / Summer 2021
Aug 29, 2021
This class was fast-paced over the summer, with a quiz or two every week. However, the quizzes were easy and I never got more than one question wrong. I took this class 100% online, so I had to stay on top of lectures, but they weren't too time-consuming and I could watch all of one chapter's videos in one sitting. There were two exams, a mid-term and a final. The only thing that sucked was that the final was cumulative. There is a lot of information to take in but Dr. Garner provided very helpful study guides for each exam.
Dr. Garner is very passionate about linguistics and made the course interesting even it was 100% virtual. I would take this class again but in person to see more of their personality.
Do the study guide they make since it's extra credit if you email it back completed.
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