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UF Course Reviews

University of Florida

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LIN 3010Introduction to Linguistics4.344.33.67
LIN 3460The Structure of Human Language43551
LIN 3201The Sounds of Human Language44531
LIN 7885Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics00000
LIN 4784Writing Systems00000
LIN 4701Psycholinguistics00000
LIN 4500Introduction to Syntax00000
LIN 2704Language, Thought and Action: Language as a Cognitive System00000
LIN 2000Language: Humanities Perspective00000
LIN 4911Undergraduate Research in Linguistics00000
LIN 6932Special Topics: Mood & Modality00000
LIN 6856Semantics II00000
LIN 6796Cognitive Neuroscience of Language00000
LIN 6707Psycholinguistics00000
LIN 6520Syntax 200000
LIN 6402Morphology 100000
LIN 6208Phonetics for Linguists00000
LIN 4850Formal Semantics00000
LIN 5741Applied English Grammar00000
LIN 4400Introduction to Morphology00000
LIN 2614Language in the USA00000
LIN 3680Modern English Structure00000
LIN 4320Introduction to Phonology00000
LIN 4656Gender and Language00000
LIN 4721Second Language Acquisition00000
LIN 4803Introduction to Semantics00000
LIN 4905Individual Study in Linguistics00000
LIN 4956Overseas Studies00000
LIN 6226Advanced Phonetics00000
LIN 4005Stats for Linguists00000
LIN 6007Statistics for Linguists00000
LIN 6905Individual Study00000
LIN 4205Fundamentals of Phonetics00000
LIN 4600Survey of Sociolinguistics00000
LIN 4702CMethods in Psycholinguistics00000
LIN 4790Brain and Language00000
LIN 4820Meaning and Use00000
LIN 4930Special Topics in Linguistics00000
LIN 4970Senior Thesis00000
LIN 4071Intro to Corpus Linguistics00000
LIN 6084Introduction to Graduate Research00000
LIN 6323Phonology 100000
LIN 6410Morphology 200000
LIN 6571Structure of Specific Language: Structure of Arabic00000
LIN 6708CMeth in Psycholing00000
LIN 6804Semantics I00000
LIN 3677World Englishes00000
LIN 6940Supervised Teaching00000
LIN 7979Advanced Research00000
LIN 2004Languages of the World00000
LIN 5075Intro to Corpus Linguistics00000
LIN 6165Field Methods00000
LIN 6341Phonology 200000
LIN 6501Syntax 100000
LIN 6601Sociolinguistics00000
LIN 6720Second Language Acquisition00000
LIN 6826Introduction to Formal Pragmatics00000
LIN 6910Supervised Research00000
LIN 6971Research for Master's Thesis00000
LIN 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation00000
LIN 3710Language Acquisition00000