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UF Course Reviews

University of Florida

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EEL 3701CDigital Logic and Computer Systems41.64.44.88
EEL 4712CDigital Design3.83.4445
EEL 4744CMicroprocessor Applications52.5552
EEL 3000Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering453.542
EEL 3111CCircuits 12.52.5342
EEL 3003Elements of Electrical Engineering44.543.52
EEL 3872Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals4.54.5442
EEL 3112Circuits 224121
EEL 3923CElectrical Engineering Design 143341
EEL 3135Introduction to Signals and Systems33341
EEL 3008Physics of Electrical Engineering44421
EEL 4837Programming for Electrical Engineering 221331
EEL 3744CMicroprocessor Applications42551
EEL 3850Data Science for ECE21331
EEL 5182State Variable Methods in Linear Systems00000
EEL 4473Electromagnetic Fields and Applications00000
EEL 4446Laser Theory and Design00000
EEL 4421RF/Microwave Passive Circuits00000
EEL 4287Smart Grid for Sustainable Energy00000
EEL 4248Fundamentals of RF and Power Electronic Devices00000
EEL 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation00000
EEL 3472CFundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields00000
EEL 6507Queuing Theory and Data Communications00000
EEL 6509Wireless Communication00000
EEL 5406Computational Photography00000
EEL 6971Research for Master's Thesis00000
EEL 5486Electromagnetic Fields and Applications00000
EEL 5721Reconfigurable Computing00000
EEL 6933Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Seminar00000
EEL 5764Computer Architecture00000
EEL 6871Cloud Computing Systems Management00000
EEL 6761Cloud Compt and Storage00000
EEL 6591Wireless Networks00000
EEL 6535Digital Communications00000
EEL 4461Antenna Systems00000
EEL 5249Fundamentals of RF and Power Electronic Devices00000
EEL 5739IoT Security and Privacy00000
EEL 5632Safety and Security of Vehicular Electronic Systems00000
EEL 4949Co-op Work Experience00000
EEL 4924CElectrical Engineering Design 200000
EEL 4912Integrated Product and Process Design 100000
EEL 4736Principles of Computer System Design00000
EEL 4720Reconfigurable Computing00000
EEL 4665CIntelligent Machines Design Laboratory00000
EEL 4610State Variable Methods in Linear Systems00000
EEL 4540Introduction to Radar00000
EEL 4514CCommunication Systems and Components00000
EEL 4516Noise in Devices and Communication Systems00000
EEL 4440Optical Communication Systems00000
EEL 4403Computational Photography00000
EEL 4271Power System Protection00000
EEL 3834Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers00000
EEL 3211CBasic Electric Energy Engineering00000
EEL 4948Practical Work in Electrical and Computer Engineering00000
EEL 4905Individual Problems in Electrical Engineering00000
EEL 4750Foundations of Digital Signal Processing00000
EEL 4732Advanced Systems Programming00000
EEL 4713CDigital Computer Architecture00000
EEL 4599Wireless and Mobile Networks00000
EEL 4930Special Topics in Electrical Engineering00000
EEL 5426RF/Microwave Passive Circuits00000
EEL 5225Principles of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Transducers00000
EEL 6617Linear Multivariable Control00000
EEL 6550Error Correction Coding00000
EEL 6528Digital Communications with Software-defined Radios00000
EEL 6246Power Electronics II00000
EEL 5840Fundamentals of Machine Learning00000
EEL 5733Advanced Systems Programming00000
EEL 5490Lightning00000
EEL 5441Fundamentals of Photonics00000
EEL 5417Applied Magnetism & Magnetic Materials00000
EEL 5250Power System Analysis00000
EEL 5462Advanced Antenna Systems00000
EEL 4913Integrated Product and Process Design 200000
EEL 4853Cross Layered System Security00000
EEL 4745CMicroprocessor Applications 200000
EEL 4657CLinear Control Systems00000
EEL 4598Computer Communications00000
EEL 4523Audio Engineering00000
EEL 4495Lightning00000
EEL 4458Fundamentals of Photonics00000
EEL 4412Applied Magnetics and Magnetic Materials00000
EEL 4251Power System Analysis00000
EEL 4242CPower Electronic Circuits00000
EEL 3402Remote Sensing in Engineering: Science, Sensors and Applications00000
EEL 7979Advanced Research00000
EEL 6905Individual Work00000
EEL 6825Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems00000
EEL 6686Embedded Systems Seminar00000
EEL 6588Wireless Ad Hoc Netw00000
EEL 6533Data Ana and Dec Sci00000
EEL 6487Electromag Theory II00000
EEL 6275Power System Protection00000
EEL 5855Cross Layered Systems Security00000
EEL 5737Principles of Computer System Design00000
EEL 5547Introduction to Radar00000
EEL 5447Laser Theory and Design00000
EEL 5285Smart Grid00000
EEL 6940Supervised Teaching00000
EEL 6935Special Topics in Electrical Engineering: NEURO-AI00000
EEL 6892Virtual Computers00000
EEL 6814Neural Networks and Deep Learning00000
EEL 6763Parallel Computer Architecture00000
EEL 6614Modern Control Theory00000
EEL 6537Spectr Sens/Sig Recov00000
EEL 6532Information Theory00000
EEL 5934Special Topics in Electrical Engineering: Intro to Quantum C...00000
EEL 5905Individual Work00000
EEL 5749IoT Design00000
EEL 5718Computer Communications00000