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Professor Alexandre Turull Reviews


Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Alexandre Turull / Fall 2021

Feb 13, 2022

Comments on the course

Overall, it was a great experience. Linear algebra ties directly into other mathematics fields, computer science, physics and other STEM subjects. Very interesting in my opinion, but I am a math major.

Course Content

Linear algebra goes very heavy into proofs relating to vector spaces and matrices. Some of the content will be familiar to students who have taken rigorous math classes before, especially if they did in high school as well as college. (Think determinants, matrix multiplication). That being said, your understanding of these concepts is going to deepen and completely change. The subject material is fascinating, and while abstract, it is very applicable to many areas of study, making it appealing not only to math majors, but to everyone.

Comments on the professor

Professor Turull is amazing. Many of the students in the class have taken him multiple times for sets and logic/abstract algebra (including myself), and he is certainly loved by his students. Pros: Very detailed proofs, he will take the time to step back and explain the proof outside of just writing it. Many of us say he just has this way of explaining things that makes it click. He's very nice and approachable, there's definitely no feeling of intimidation with him like I've experienced with other professors. He has a fun sense of humor, and we've been able to joke around a little with him in class, which lightens up daunting examples/proofs. Quizzes are based on the homework, (it's his way of making sure you've done it so he doesn't have to collect it) so if you do homework they're more


Just want to make a note about marking the textbook as optional: homework is *technically* optional, but you have to do it or you probably won't pass. (See my point about the quizzes being representative of homework questions) That being said, you could probably get away with sharing a textbook with a friend, but it's pretty cheap anyway. You can get a physical copy on eBay for like $25 and the ebook is like $35. MEMORIZE HIS DEFINITIONS, but understand his proofs. Then you'll be set. Do every homework question. The only questions I'd say you could skip some of are the calculation problems that are redundant: once you're comfortable, don't feel like you have to do all 12 parts of 1 question.

Course: MAS 4105Delivery: In personGrade: A+Workload: LightTextbook Use: Optional
Exam Heavy