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Professor Fox Reviews


Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Fox / Fall 2021

Nov 4, 2021

Comments on the course

The projects take a while so be prepared to spend a lot of time on them. Start early or set aside a whole day for them if you can. Join the class Slack page and use it for questions along with office hours. There are weekly quizzes, and you'll typically have a lab or project due every week or every other week.

Course Content

This course definitely expanded my programming skills.

Comments on the professor

Fox is an amazing professor. He's really funny & engaging and explains topics well. He is active on the class Slack page and holds office hours himself (along with office hours offered by the TAs).


Do the Zybooks reading each week!! They are extra credit, they don't take up a lot of time, and they help a lot with the quizzes.

Course: COP 3503CDelivery: OnlineGrade: A-Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Project HeavyQuiz HeavyAssignment Heavy