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Professor Naibi Marinas Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Interesting
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Naibi Marinas / Spring 2024

Apr 3, 2024

Comments on the course

Not very difficult but focused a lot on the textbook which really is not helpful for me. She has video lectures but it's just a brief overview and will not help you for the exams. It's about the same assignments every week.

Course Content

It is kinda interesting to learn but sometimes gets confusing. Reading a textbook does not help as its explanations are not the best. It is just basic homework and then a reading and video quiz.

Comments on the professor

Not much to say because she is not very present as her lectures are prerecorded. She is alright but her TAs are more helpful.


If you do not like learning mostly from textbook, watch some crash course videos on the content and they can explain it a lot better to you with visuals.

Course: AST 1002Delivery: OnlineGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment Heavy