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UH Course Reviews

University of Houston

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COSC 4353Software Design4.53442
COSC 4315Programming Languages and Paradigms52551
CIS 3368Advanced Information Systems Development52551
DIGM 2353Page Layout and Design54551
DIGM 2357Content Strategy & Development53541
KIN 1304Public Health Issues in Physical Activity and Obesity45321
GEOL 1330Physical Geology34221
MATH 3325Transition to Advanced Mathematics53551
DIGM 1300Introduction to Digital Media42441
COSC 3360Fundamentals of Operating Systems55541
ACCT 5371Accounting Information Systems33451
CIVE 2330Mechanics I (Statics)43351
COSC 3337Data Science I43441
MATH 4322Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning54531
ECE 4363Electromechanical Energy Conversion53331
COSC 3380Design of File and Database Systems33441
MUSA 2278Applied Jazz Guitar00000
ANTH 3378Archaeology of Historic North America00000
MUSA 2338Applied Saxophone00000
MUSA 3200Applied Voice00000
AAS 4440Model African Union Seminar00000
ANTH 4331Medical Anthropology00000
MUSA 3245Applied Trombone00000
MUSA 3324Applied Violoncello00000
ANTH 4382Laboratory Methods in Archaeology00000
MUSA 3434Applied Clarinet00000
MUSA 2245Applied Trombone00000
ANTH 3350Women and Health: Anthropological Perspectives00000
MUSA 2324Applied Violoncello00000
AAS 3394Selected Topics Afr Am Stdy00000
MUSA 2372Applied Jazz Bass00000
ANTH 4198Independent Study00000
MUSA 3222Applied Viola00000
ACCT 5335Financial Statement Auditing00000
MUSA 3278Applied Jazz Guitar00000
ANTH 4363Race, Racialization and the Politics of Culture00000
MUSA 3430Applied Flute00000
AFSC 2202Evolution of Air Power II00000
ANTH 4391Archaeological Field Work I00000
MUSA 3448Applied Euphonium00000
MUSA 4120Applied Violin00000
MUSA 4144Applied Trombone00000
ACCT 4335Financial Statement Auditing00000
ACCT 5378Control & Security of Financial Information: Theory and Practice00000
ASLI 2233History of Interpreting00000
ANTH 4498Independent Study00000
MUSA 4203Applied Composition00000
MUSA 4233Applied Piccolo00000
MUSA 1210Applied Piano00000
MUSA 4270Applied Jazz Saxophone00000
MUSA 4310Applied Piano00000
ACCT 5397Selected Topics in Accounting00000
ASLI 4335Advanced Interpreting Techniques and Skills in ASL/English00000
MUSA 1232Applied Oboe00000
MUSA 1244Applied Trombone00000
ASLI 4397Selected Topics in American Sign Language Interpreting00000
MUSA 1260Applied Music00000
MUSA 2234Applied Clarinet00000
ANTH 3342Food and Culture00000
MUSA 2250Applied Percussion00000
AAS 3356Africana Thought and Philosophy00000
MUSA 2312Applied Organ00000
ANTH 3362Monkeys, Apes, and Humans00000
MUSA 2332Applied Oboe00000
ACCT 4397Selected Topics in Accounting00000
MUSA 2346Applied Tuba00000
ANTH 3396Selected Topics in Cultural Anthropology00000
MUSA 3160Applied Music00000
AAS 4370Seminar in African American Studies00000
MUSA 3211Applied Piano00000
ANTH 4301Language and Cultural Cognition00000
MUSA 3236Applied Bassoon00000
ACCT 4198Independent Study00000
MUSA 3270Applied Jazz Saxophone00000
ANTH 4342Anthropology of Wine00000
MUSA 3312Applied Organ00000
AFSC 2201Evolution of Air Power I00000
MUSA 3424Applied Violoncello00000
ANTH 4376Archaeology of Texas00000
MUSA 3432Applied Oboe00000
MUSA 1278Applied Jazz Guitar00000
MUSA 3442Applied French Horn00000
ANTH 4389Ethnographic Field Work I00000
MUSA 3472Applied Jazz Bass00000
AFSC 4301National Security Affairs I00000
MUSA 4132Applied Oboe00000
ANTH 4394Selected Topics in Anthropology00000
MUSA 4160Applied Music00000
ACCT 3368Intermediate Accounting II00000
MUSA 4222Applied Viola00000
MUSA 1176Applied Jazz Percussion00000
MUSA 4245Applied Trombone00000
ASLI 2335Multiculturalism & Diversity in ASL Interpreting00000
ACCT 4379Enterprise Risk Management00000
AAS 2396The History of Black Education00000
ANTH 2301Introduction to Physical Anthropology00000
MUSA 1314Applied Harpsichord00000
MUSA 1326Applied Double Bass00000
ANTH 2395Selected Topics in Cultural Anthropology00000
MUSA 1328Applied Harp00000