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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSY 2301Introduction to Clinical Psychology32.5332
PSY 2812Rsrch Methds & Data Analysis in Psych II54341
PSY 4020Laboratory in Psychology42451
PSY 3010Health Psychology35221
PSY 3570Social Cognition43441
PSY 4995Honors Research in Neuroscience00000
PSY 5080Foundations in Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSY 4090Psychology Seminar00000
PSY 3998Individual Readings and Projects00000
PSY 3996External Practicum in Psychology00000
PSY 3994Research Practicum in Psychology00000
PSY 3620Human Memory00000
PSY 3580Judgment and Decision Making00000
PSY 3530Personality00000
PSY 3350Psychotherapies00000
PSY 3340Behavior Modification00000
PSY 3320Abnormal Psychology00000
PSY 3265Neuroscience of Executive Functions00000
PSY 3230Psychopharmacology00000
PSY 3060Sensation and Perception00000
PSY 3050Applied Psychology: Real-World Problems00000
PSY 3035Science of Emotion00000
PSY 3020Mind and Behavior00000
PSY 3005Scientific Communication in Psychology00000
PSY 2930Abnormal Psychology: Health Professions00000
PSY 7130Ph.D. Dissertation Research00000
PSY 7620Seminar: Human Perception & Performance00000
PSY 7610Seminar: Cognitive Psychology00000
PSY 7604Principles of Scholarly Integrity00000
PSY 7370Supervision and Consultation Practicum00000
PSY 7365External Practicum00000
PSY 7360Therapy Practicum00000
PSY 7355Assessment Practicum00000
PSY 7331Sem: Adv Acceptance & Commitment Therapy00000
PSY 7310Seminar: Orientation to Clinical Researc00000
PSY 7210Sem: Adv Topics Behav & Cog Neuroscience00000
PSY 7160Problems in Psychology00000
PSY 5055Mixed-Effects Modeling in Psychology00000
PSY 7110Research Projects00000
PSY 7010Professional Writing00000
PSY 6440Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSY 6340Psychological Therapies00000
PSY 6265Neuroscience Seminar00000
PSY 6101Cognitive Science Language Proseminar I00000
PSY 5610Proseminar in Cognition and Perception00000
PSY 5365Seminar: Neuropsychology & Neuroscience00000
PSY 5320Descriptive Psychopathology00000
PSY 5204Fundamental Neurobiology I Discussion00000
PSY 2501Introduction to Social Psychology00000
PSY 3250Neuroscience of Learning and Memory00000
PSY 4025Laboratory in Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSY 3999Independent Research in Neuroscience00000
PSY 3997Teaching/Advising Practicum Psychology00000
PSY 3995Advanced Research Practicum00000
PSY 3670Language Processes00000
PSY 3590Stereotyping and Prejudice00000
PSY 3575Social Cognition in Autism00000
PSY 3560Psychology of Gender00000
PSY 3420Cognitive Development of Children00000
PSY 3330Childhood Psychopathology00000
PSY 3275The Science of Sleep00000
PSY 4990Honors Thesis Research00000
PSY 3080Barking/Talking: What Is Communication?00000
PSY 3055Science of Sound and Hearing00000
PSY 3040Psychology of Learning00000
PSY 3030Social and Personality Development00000
PSY 2975Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSY 2920The Damaged Brain00000
PSY 2811Rsrch Methods & Data Analysis in Psych I00000
PSY 2601Introduction to Cognitive Psychology00000
PSY 2401Introduction to Developmental Science00000
PSY 2130Advanced Psychology for Pre-Medical Trac00000
PSY 1501Everyone's a Little Bit Biased00000
PSY 6590Judgment and Decision Making00000
PSY 1001Elementary Psychology00000
PSY 2105Understanding Social Influence00000
PSY 1010Learning About Learning00000
PSY 1000First-Year Seminar00000
PSY 7350Introductory Practicum00000
PSY 7330Seminar: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy00000
PSY 7270Principles of Scholarly Integrity00000
PSY 7170Teaching Practicum00000
PSY 7150Current Topics in Psychology00000
PSY 7120M.A. Thesis Research00000
PSY 7070Seminar: Behavioral Biomedical Interface00000
PSY 2701Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSY 6370Principles of Neuropsychology00000
PSY 6280Structural Functional MRI Methods/Applic00000
PSY 6230Foundations Learning, Memory & Cognition00000
PSY 5710Introduction to Health and Behavioral Sc00000
PSY 5410Proseminar in Developmental Science00000
PSY 5330Principles of Psychological Assessment00000
PSY 5212Foundations in Behav & Cog Neuroscience00000
PSY 5203Fundamental Neurobiology I00000
PSY 5070Programming for Psychologists00000
PSY 5050Quantitative Methods in Psychology00000