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UMGC Course Reviews

University of Maryland Global Campus

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMIT 321Ethical Hacking4.54.5552
CMIT 372Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure55551
SPCH 100Foundations of Oral Communication55551
CMIT 326Cloud Technologies55551
IFSM 300Information Systems in Organizations45431
CCJS 321Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System54451
JOUR 201Introduction to News Writing54551
ACCT 610Financial Accounting33451
WRTG 112Academic Writing II55551
ENGL 294Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry, Creative Nonfictio...55541
ENGL 31117th- and 18th-Century British Literature31341
CMIT 440Mobile Forensics45551
STAT 200Introduction to Statistics11111
MBA 620Financial Decision Making12111
ENGL 250Introduction to Women's Literature32431
CMIT 424Digital Forensics Analysis and Application54551
CMIT 320Network Security13441
ENGL 303Critical Approaches to Literature43541
BMGT 488Project Management II51551
IFSM 301Foundations of Information Systems Management55441
ENGL 240Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama43431
BTMN 670Capstone in Biotechnology00000
ASTR 100Introduction to Astronomy00000
CCA 630Cloud Infrastructure Planning, Design, and Configurations00000
CCJS 340Law Enforcement Administration00000
ANTH 351Anthropology in Forensic Investigations00000
BIFS 614Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CCJS 440Fingerprint Analysis00000
BSBD 641Biosecurity and Bioterrorism00000
ASTD 284Foundations of East Asian Civilization00000
CAPL 398ACareer Planning Management00000
ANTH 101Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
CCJS 230Criminal Law in Action00000
BEHS 343Parenting Today00000
CCJS 360Victimology00000
ACCT 440Forensic and Investigative Accounting00000
CHEM 113General Chemistry II00000
BIOL 103Introduction to Biology00000
CHIN 112Elementary Chinese II00000
CJMS 640Criminal Justice Intelligence Systems and Approaches00000
ARAB 333Middle Eastern Cultures00000
BIOL 164Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology00000
CMIS 242Intermediate Programming00000
CMIS 440Advanced Programming in Java00000
BIOL 211Environmental Science00000
CMIT 265Fundamentals of Networking00000
CMIT 369Windows Server: Install and Storage00000
ACCT 411Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting00000
ACCT 611Management Accounting00000
ARTH 375History of Graphic Art00000
BIOL 302Bacteria, Viruses, and Health00000
CMIT 421Threat Management and Vulnerability Assessment00000
CMIT 495Current Trends and Projects in Computer Networks and Cyberse...00000
BIOL 325Inquiries in Biological Science00000
CMSC 307Artificial Intelligence Applications00000
CMSC 335Object-Oriented and Concurrent Programming00000
ACCT 613Federal Income Taxation00000
ARTT 152Basics of Photography00000
BIOL 362Neurobiology00000
BMGT 495Strategic Management00000
ASTD 135Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture00000
BTMN 632Commercializing Biotechnology in Early-Stage Ventures00000
ACCT 660Information Technology Auditing00000
BTRA 642Global Biotechnology Business Issues00000
ASTD 370Interpreting Contemporary China00000
CCA 620Cloud Management00000
ACCT 436Internal Auditing00000
CCJS 100Introduction to Criminal Justice00000
BEHS 220Diversity Awareness00000
CCJS 302Criminalistics II: The Scientific Disciplines00000
ANTH 346Anthropology of Language and Communication00000
CCJS 345Introduction to Security Management00000
BEHS 453Domestic Violence00000
CCJS 416Analytical Strategies for Law Enforcement00000
ACCT 326Accounting Information Systems00000
CCJS 495Issues in Criminal Justice00000
BIFS 619Systems Level Approaches in Bioinformatics00000
CHEM 297Environmental Chemistry00000
ARAB 112Elementary Arabic II00000
CJMS 610Perspectives in Law Enforcement Management00000
BIOL 121Botany Laboratory00000
CMIS 102Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design00000
ACCT 495Contemporary Issues in Accounting Practice00000
CMIS 330Software Engineering Principles and Techniques00000
BIOL 201Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
ARTH 334Understanding Movies00000
BIOL 230General Microbiology00000
ACCT 310Intermediate Accounting I00000
BIOL 422Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases00000
CMIT 453Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks00000
BIOL 307The Biology of Aging00000
CMP 630Risk Management and Organizational Resilience00000
ARTT 110Introduction to Drawing00000
ARTT 210Intermediate Drawing00000
BIOT 601Introduction to Molecular Biology00000
BIOT 640Societal Issues in Biotechnology00000
ACCT 422Auditing Theory and Practice00000
ACCT 618Accounting Information Systems00000
ASC 601Graduate Writing Skills00000
BIOT 645Bioprocessing and the Business of Biotechnology00000