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UMN Course Reviews

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCI 2021Machine Architecture and Organization2.722.32.73
CSCI 1933Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures3.53.5352
CSCI 2011Discrete Structures of Computer Science32.5322
CSCI 2041Advanced Programming Principles54.553.52
CSCI 4041Algorithms and Data Structures43341
CSCI 1133Introduction to Computing and Programming Concepts54451
CSCI 2033Elementary Computational Linear Algebra44221
CSCI 1933HHonors Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures43551
CSCI 8994Directed Research in Computer Science00000
CSCI 8760Plan B Project00000
CSCI 1103Introduction to Computer Programming in Java00000
CSCI 1905Survey of Applied Computer Science Using Computer Games00000
CSCI 2011HHonors Discrete Structures of Computer Science00000
CSCI 2980Special Topics in Computer Science00000
CSCI 3041Introduction to Discrete Structures and Algorithms00000
CSCI 3081WProgram Design and Development00000
CSCI 3970Industrial Student Co-op Assignment00000
CSCI 8970Computer Science Colloquium00000
CSCI 4511WIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
CSCI 8701Overview of Database Research00000
CSCI 8551Intelligent Agents00000
CSCI 8444FTE: Doctoral00000
CSCI 8333FTE: Master's00000
CSCI 8271Security and Privacy in Computing00000
CSCI 8115Human-Computer Interaction and User Interface Technology00000
CSCI 5997Curricular Practical Training Extension00000
CSCI 5994Directed Research00000
CSCI 5802Software Engineering II00000
CSCI 5715From GPS, Google Maps, and Uber to Spatial Data Science00000
CSCI 5619Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction00000
CSCI 5552Sensing and Estimation in Robotics00000
CSCI 8991Independent Study00000
CSCI 8888Thesis Credit: Doctoral00000
CSCI 8735Advanced Database Systems00000
CSCI 8666Doctoral Pre-Thesis Credits00000
CSCI 8442Computational Geometry and Applications00000
CSCI 8211Advanced Computer Networks and Their Applications00000
CSCI 8002Introduction to Research in Computer Science, II00000
CSCI 5996Curricular Practical Training00000
CSCI 5980Special Topics in Computer Science00000
CSCI 5751Big Data Engineering and Architecture00000
CSCI 5707Principles of Database Systems00000
CSCI 5563Multiview 3D Geometry in Computer Vision00000
CSCI 4203Computer Architecture00000
CSCI 5523Introduction to Data Mining00000
CSCI 5481Computational Techniques for Genomics00000
CSCI 5461Functional Genomics, Systems Biology, and Bioinformatics00000
CSCI 5304Computational Aspects of Matrix Theory00000
CSCI 5211Data Communications and Computer Networks00000
CSCI 5143Real-Time and Embedded Systems00000
CSCI 5123Recommender Systems00000
CSCI 5115User Interface Design, Implementation and Evaluation00000
CSCI 5105Introduction to Distributed Systems00000
CSCI 4994HHonors Thesis00000
CSCI 4950Senior Software Project00000
CSCI 5608Fundamentals of Computer Graphics II00000
CSCI 5117Developing the Interactive Web00000
CSCI 5991Independent Study00000
CSCI 5801Software Engineering I00000
CSCI 5708Architecture and Implementation of Database Management Syste...00000
CSCI 5611Animation & Planning in Games00000
CSCI 5607Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 100000
CSCI 5551Introduction to Intelligent Robotic Systems00000
CSCI 5512Artificial Intelligence II00000
CSCI 5471Modern Cryptography00000
CSCI 5451Introduction to Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithm...00000
CSCI 5302Analysis of Numerical Algorithms00000
CSCI 5204Advanced Computer Architecture00000
CSCI 5127WEmbodied Computing: Design & Prototyping00000
CSCI 8001Introduction to Research in Computer Science I00000
CSCI 5106Programming Languages00000
CSCI 5103Operating Systems00000
CSCI 4970WAdvanced Project Laboratory00000
CSCI 4707Practice of Database Systems00000
CSCI 4271WDevelopment of Secure Software Systems00000
CSCI 4131Internet Programming00000
CSCI 4011Formal Languages and Automata Theory00000
CSCI 3921WSocial, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Computing00000
CSCI 3061Introduction to Computer Systems00000
CSCI 3003Introduction to Computing in Biology00000
CSCI 2081Introduction to Software Development00000
CSCI 1135Exploring Computer Science Exercises in Python00000
CSCI 4211Introduction to Computer Networks00000
CSCI 1115Exploring Computer Science Exercises in C++00000
CSCI 5561Computer Vision00000
CSCI 5525Machine Learning: Analysis and Methods00000
CSCI 5521Machine Learning Fundamentals00000
CSCI 5511Artificial Intelligence I00000
CSCI 5465Introduction to Computing for Biologists00000
CSCI 5421Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures00000
CSCI 5271Introduction to Computer Security00000
CSCI 5161Introduction to Compilers00000
CSCI 5125Collaborative and Social Computing00000
CSCI 4921History of Computing00000
CSCI 4611Programming Interactive Computer Graphics and Games00000
CSCI 5609Visualization00000
CSCI 4061Introduction to Operating Systems00000
CSCI 1913Introduction to Algorithms, Data Structures, and Program Dev...00000
CSCI 1133HHonors Introduction to Computing and Programming Concepts00000
CSCI 1113Introduction to C/C++ Programming for Scientists and Enginee...00000
CSCI 1001Overview of Computer Science00000
CSCI 8980Special Advanced Topics in Computer Science00000
CSCI 8777Thesis Credits: Master's00000
CSCI 8715Spatial Data Science Research00000
CSCI 8581Big Data in Astrophysics00000
CSCI 8363Numerical Linear Algebra in Data Exploration00000
CSCI 8314Sparse Matrix Computations00000
CSCI 8205Parallel Computer Organization00000