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UMN Course Reviews

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSY 3711Psychology in the Workplace3.53332
PSY 1001Introduction to Psychology4.5354.52
PSY 3051Introduction to Cognitive Psychology55431
PSY 8882Seminar: Quantitative and Psychometric Methods00000
PSY 8541Multicultural Psychology00000
PSY 8560Counseling Psychology Advanced Practicum I: General00000
PSY 8566Counseling Psychology Advanced Practicum II: Career Counseli...00000
PSY 8611Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment: Measurement,...00000
PSY 8620Clinical Practicum: Consultation, Supervision, Professional...00000
PSY 8664Personality Assessment00000
PSY 8702Seminar in Industrial and Organizational Psychology II00000
PSY 8814Analysis of Psychological Data00000
PSY 1924Why would that policy ever work?: Grappling with the Challen...00000
PSY 8937Seminar in Human Behavioral Genetics00000
PSY 1393Directed Study in Psychology00000
PSY 1912Brain Science, Drugs and Society00000
PSY 1916Race in Everyday Space00000
PSY 1919Re-wired: Addiction and the Brain00000
PSY 1922The Anxious Brain00000
PSY 3001VHonors Introduction to Research Methods00000
PSY 5865Advanced Psychological and Educational Measurement00000
PSY 5037Psychology of Hearing00000
PSY 5054Psychology of Language00000
PSY 5063Introduction to Functional MRI00000
PSY 5101HHonors: Personality: Current Theory and Research00000
PSY 5137Introduction to Behavioral Genetics00000
PSY 5204Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships00000
PSY 5207Personality and Social Behavior00000
PSY 5703Psychology of Organizational Training and Development00000
PSY 8514University Counseling Practicum I00000
PSY 8026Neuro-Immune Interactions00000
PSY 8042Proseminar in Cognition, Brain, and Behavior00000
PSY 8111Biological, Cognitive, Affective, Social, Developmental and...00000
PSY 8204Social Psychology of Prejudice and Intergroup Relations00000
PSY 8208Social Psychology: The Self00000
PSY 8211Proseminar in Political Psychology I00000
PSY 8444FTE: Doctoral00000
PSY 8503Interviewing and Intervention00000
PSY 8565Counseling Psychology Advanced Practicum I: Career Counselin...00000
PSY 8101NSF Graduate Fellowship Proposal Writing Seminar00000
PSY 8203Impression Management00000
PSY 8206Proseminar in Social Psychology00000
PSY 8210Law, Race, and Social Psychology00000
PSY 8333FTE: Master's00000
PSY 8501Counseling Psychology: History and Theories00000
PSY 8510Counseling Psychology Beginning Practicum: General00000
PSY 8515University Counseling Practicum II00000
PSY 8545Counseling Psychology Process and Outcome Research00000
PSY 8041Proseminar in Perception00000
PSY 8571Counseling Psychology Internship II00000
PSY 8613Clinical Seminar Series: Contempary Directions In Clinical P...00000
PSY 8622Theories and Methods of Effective Intervention00000
PSY 8701Seminar in Industrial and Organizational Psychology I00000
PSY 8777Thesis Credits: Master's00000
PSY 8881Seminar: Quantitative and Psychometric Methods00000
PSY 8935Readings in Behavioral Genetics and Individual Differences P...00000
PSY 8993Directed Studies: Special Areas of Psychology and Related Sc...00000
PSY 5038WIntroduction to Neural Networks00000
PSY 3031Introduction to Sensation and Perception00000
PSY 3061Introduction to Biological Psychology00000
PSY 3121History and Systems of Psychology00000
PSY 3201Introduction to Social Psychology00000
PSY 4996HHonors Internship/Externship00000
PSY 5011Applied Behavior Analysis00000
PSY 5015Cognition, Computation, and Brain00000
PSY 5018HMathematical Models of Human Behavior00000
PSY 5036WComputational Vision00000
PSY 5016Behavior Analysis and Autism00000
PSY 5062Cognitive Neuropsychology00000
PSY 5065Functional Imaging: Hands-on Training00000
PSY 5135Psychology of Individual Differences00000
PSY 5202Attitudes and Social Behavior00000
PSY 5206Social Psychology and Health Behavior00000
PSY 5701Employee Selection and Staffing00000
PSY 5862Psychological Measurement: Theory and Methods00000
PSY 5993Research Laboratory in Psychology00000
PSY 8561Counseling Psychology Advanced Practicum II: General00000
PSY 8036Topics in Computational Vision00000
PSY 8061Neuropsychopharmacology00000
PSY 8201Social Cognition00000
PSY 8205Principles of Social Psychology00000
PSY 8209Research Methods in Social Psychology00000
PSY 8212Proseminar in Political Psychology II00000
PSY 8502Assessment in Counseling Psychology00000
PSY 8511Counseling Psychology Beginning Practicum: General00000
PSY 8542Professional Standards and Ethics in Clinical Psychology00000
PSY 5960Topics in Psychology00000
PSY 8570Counseling Psychology Internship I00000
PSY 8612Assessment of Personality and Psychopathology: Interviewing,...00000
PSY 8621Foundations in Therapeutic Intervention Applying Theory to C...00000
PSY 8666Doctoral Pre-Thesis Credits00000
PSY 8703Seminar in Industrial and Organizational Psychology III00000
PSY 8815Analysis of Psychological Data00000
PSY 8888Thesis Credit: Doctoral00000
PSY 8960Graduate Seminar in Psychology00000
PSY 4512Social Psychology00000
PSY 1911Psychological Perspectives on Women and Work00000
PSY 3810Neuropsychology of Wellbeing and Resilience00000
PSY 3901WMajor Project - Research Laboratory00000
PSY 3903WMajor Project - Community Engagement00000
PSY 3993Directed Study00000
PSY 4011Applied Behavior Analysis00000
PSY 4021Creativity Sciences: Minds, Brains, and Innovation00000
PSY 4036Perceptual Issues in Visual Impairment00000
PSY 1001HHonors Introduction to Psychology00000
PSY 4902VHonors Project00000
PSY 5052Psychology of Attention00000
PSY 5064Brain and Emotion00000
PSY 5101Personality: Current Theory and Research00000
PSY 5138Adult Development and Aging00000
PSY 5205Applied Social Psychology00000
PSY 5501Vocational and Occupational Health Psychology00000
PSY 5708Organizational Psychology00000
PSY 4032Psychology of Music00000
PSY 3721Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSY 3801Introduction to Psychological Measurement and Data Analysis00000
PSY 3801HHonors Introduction to Psychological Measurement and Data An...00000
PSY 3896Internship in Psychology00000
PSY 3902WMajor Project - Individual Interests00000
PSY 3960Undergraduate Seminar in Psychology00000
PSY 3996Undergraduate Fieldwork and Internship in Psychology00000
PSY 4016Behavior Analysis and Autism00000
PSY 3666Human Sexuality00000
PSY 4207Personality and Social Behavior00000
PSY 4501Psychology of Women and Gender00000
PSY 4521Psychology of Stress and Trauma00000
PSY 4960Seminar in Psychology00000
PSY 4993Directed Research: Special Areas of Psychology and Related S...00000
PSY 4994VHonors Research Practicum00000
PSY 5014Psychology of Human Learning and Memory00000
PSY 1010Topics in Psychology00000
PSY 3135Introduction to Individual Differences00000
PSY 1511Introduction to Psychology00000
PSY 1914What is the Human Mind?00000
PSY 1917The Changing Face Of Community And Connectedness00000
PSY 1921Uncovering "Fake" News: Deciphering Science in the Media00000
PSY 1923The Freshman 15: Stress and Health Management for College St...00000
PSY 3001WIntroduction to Research Methods00000
PSY 3011Introduction to Learning and Behavior00000
PSY 3101Introduction to Personality00000
PSY 5031WPerception00000
PSY 3206Introduction to Health Psychology00000
PSY 3301Introduction to Cultural Psychology00000
PSY 3393Directed Study or Research in Psychology00000
PSY 3510Human Development across the Lifespan00000
PSY 3511Introduction to Counseling Psychology00000
PSY 3512Principles of Abnormal Psychology00000
PSY 3604Introduction to Abnormal Psychology00000
PSY 3617Introduction to Clinical Psychology00000