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UO Course Reviews

University of Oregon

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARH 150Intro Visual Culture >122311
ARTD 199Sp St Creative Coding53551
ARTR 346Relief00000
ARCH 517Context Arch Profess00000
BE 406Special Problems00000
ARTO 401Research00000
ARB 405Reading00000
ASIA 405Reading00000
AFR 605Reading00000
ARH 208Hist of Chinese Art >1 >GP >IC00000
ANTH 331Culture India & S Asia >2 >GP >IC00000
ART 115Surface, Space, & Time00000
ARTM 405Reading00000
ANTM 503Thesis00000
ARTP 199Special Studies00000
AEIS 108Adv Read Acad Discours00000
ARTS 405Reading00000
ARCH 407Sem Design the Unseen00000
ASTR 123Galax & Expand Univers >300000
AAD 435Arts Business Develop00000
BI 405Reading00000
ANTH 220Intro Nutritional Anth >3 >GP >IC00000
ARH 399Sp St Contemp Asian-Am00000
AAD 521Cultural Programming00000
ARTC 409Term Creative Proj BFA00000
ANTH 400MIndigenous Wm/Latin Am00000
ARTC 609Term Creative Proj MFA00000
ARTF 609Term Creativ Proj MFA00000
ANTH 688Social Theory I00000
ARTM 604Internship00000
ACTG 211Intro Accounting I00000
ARTO 550The Photographic Book00000
ARB 1021st Year Arabic00000
ARTP 409Term Creative Proj BFA00000
AAD 405Reading00000
ARTR 546Int & Adv Printmaking00000
ARCH 222Intro Arch Comp Graph00000
ARTS 605Reading00000
AFR 401Research00000
ASIA 612Top Theory & Method00000
ARCH 438Housing Prototypes00000
BA 362Effectiv Bus Writing00000
AAAP 551Hist Surv & Inv Meth00000
BI 132Intro Animal Behavior >300000
ARCH 605Read Portland00000
BI 451Invertebrate Zoology00000
AAD 471Performing Arts Mgmt00000
ARH 315Hist of World Arch II >1 >IC00000
ANTH 310Top SE Asian Archaeo00000
ARH 507Sem Cult Intrctn Gk/Rm00000
AAAP 606Special Problems00000
ARTC 354Industrial Ceramics00000
ANTH 349Origins of Art >3 >GP >IC00000
ARTC 555Advanced Ceramics00000
AAD 562Cultural Policy00000
ARTF 199Special Studies00000
ANTH 429Jewish Folklore & Ethn >GP >IP00000
ARTF 369Woven Structures00000
ARTF 604Internship00000
ANTH 529Jewish Folklore & Ethn00000
ARTM 257Intro Jewel & Metals00000
AAD 610Prof Practice II00000
ARTM 490Iss & Prac In Metals00000
ANTM 403Thesis00000
ARTO 250Intro to Photography00000
AAD 301Understanding Arts >100000
ARTO 410The Photographic Book00000
ANTM 602Superv College Teach00000
ARTO 604Internship00000
ACTG 612Financial Accounting00000
ARTP 401Research00000
ARB 2032nd Year Arabic >100000
ARTP 606Special Problems00000
AAAP 511Intro Historic Preserv00000
ARTR 405Reading00000
ARB 605Reading00000
ARTS 199Special Studies00000
AEIS 199Sp St College Connect00000
ARTS 493Advanced Sculpture00000
ARCH 401Research00000
ASIA 401Research00000
AAD 420Event Management00000
ASIA 525Asian Foodways00000
ARCH 423Top Media for Dsgn Dev00000
ASL 2022nd Yr Amer Sign Lang >100000
AFR 409Supervised Tutoring00000
BA 240Managing Business Info00000
ARCH 486Adv Arch Design II00000
BA 714Managerial Acct00000
AAAP 422Am Arch Presrv Pers II00000
BE 609Practicum00000
ARCH 540Human Context of Des00000
BI 214Gen Bio IV: Mechanisms >300000
ANTH 150World Archaeology >2 >GP >IC00000
ARTF 405Reading00000
ARCH 683Arch Design Track II00000
AAAP 400MSem Spatial Justice00000
AAAP 451Hist Surv & Inv Meth00000
AAAP 611Terminal Project00000
AAD 604Intern III00000