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UOP Course Reviews

University of the Pacific

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MMGT 011Music/Ent. in U.S. Society54541
MMGT 100Music Publishing00000
MMGT 180Senior Project Proposal00000
MMGT 186Senior Music Project00000
MMGT 190BPortfolio Review III00000
MMGT 196Music Industry Career Devl00000
MMGT 206Sound Recording Fundamentals00000
MMGT 010First-Year Semin in MMGT00000
MMGT 035Digital Music Basics00000
MMGT 081AHow to Run an Ind Record Lbl I00000
MMGT 130Popular Songwriting00000
MMGT 107Performing Arts Administration00000
MMGT 111Music Industry Analysis00000
MMGT 135Digital Music Synthesis00000
MMGT 170Current Trends in Music Indust00000
MMGT 185Senior Project00000
MMGT 187Music Management Internship00000
MMGT 190CPortfolio Presentation00000
MMGT 197Undergraduate Research00000
MMGT 190APortfolio Review II00000
MMGT 021AFollow the Money I00000
MMGT 081BHow to Run an Ind Recrd Lbl II00000
MMGT 090Portfolio Review I00000
MMGT 108Artist Management00000
MMGT 121Media Promotion00000
MMGT 153Entertainment Law00000
MMGT 175Music Royalty Analysis00000
MMGT 181Senior Music Project Proposal00000
MMGT 160Recording Studio Production00000
MMGT 193ACreativity and Innovation00000
MMGT 199MMGT Exit Examination00000
MMGT 005Intro to Music Industry Tech00000
MMGT 050Music Industry Forum00000
MMGT 087Fieldwork in Music Management00000
MMGT 106Sound Recording Fundamentals00000
MMGT 109Bynd Talent: Mngng Perf Career00000
MMGT 009Musical Elements00000