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URI Course Reviews

University of Rhode Island

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 345Marine Environmental Physiology52551
CMB 190Issues in Biotechnology55551
CSC 201Introduction to Computer Programming44351
BIO 422Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives55551
JPN 402(306) Advanced Japanese II00000
LSC 525Multiculturalism in Libraries00000
MAF 320Shipping and Ports00000
MAF 531XEnvironmental Justice00000
ITL 305Advanced Conversation and Composition00000
KIN 391Directed Study00000
MBA 524Entrepreneurship & Innovation00000
LIN 320Sociolinguistics00000
JOR 445Special Topics in Journalism00000
LSC 596School Library Media Seminar00000
ISE 552Lean Systems00000
MAF 490Field Experience In Marine Affairs00000
KIN 301Physiology of Exercise Laboratory00000
MBA 504Financial Management00000
INE 349(BUS) Special Topics in Entrepreneurship & Innovation00000
ITL 390Italian Literature in Translation00000
MBA 555Managerial Economics00000
KIN 531Advanced Experimental Techniques in Exercise Science00000
LAN 191Beginning Foreign Language I00000
ISE 241Laboratory for Manufacturing Processes and Systems00000
ITL 498Directed Study00000
LAR 246Digital Design Media for Landscape Architecture00000
LHR 581Internship: Labor Relations and Human Resources00000
JOR 340Public Relations Strategies00000
LSC 512Immigrant & Migrant Information Contexts & Practices00000
ISE 461GSolar Energy Systems00000
LSC 544Visual Information Science00000
JPN 202(104) Intermediate Japanese II00000
MAC 506Seminar in Tax Research, Policy, and Planning00000
HSS 270Field Experience in Human Science and Services II00000
MAF 413Peoples of the Sea00000
KIN 125Group Exercise Instruction and Leadership00000
MAF 511Ocean Uses and Marine Sciences00000
ISE 699Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
MAF 598Master's Major Project for MAMA Students00000
KIN 320Fundamentals of Resistance Training00000
MBA 518Financial Fundamentals for Innovation00000
HPR 347Honors Seminar in Humanities and Writing00000
MBA 534Financial Management for Healthcare Professionals00000
KIN 464GPhysiology of Aging00000
MBA 565Strategic Management00000
INE 493Internship in Innovation and Entrepreneurship00000
KIN 565Cardiovascular Disease: Prevention and Rehabilitation00000
ITL 465Topics in Italian Literature00000
LAR 201Survey of Landscape Architecture00000
HPR 397Honors Directed Study00000
ITR 303Colloquium I00000
LAR 343Landscape Architecture Studio I00000
LAR 346Landscape Construction II00000
LAR 399Landscape Architecture Internship00000
ISE 312(412) Statistical Methods and Quality Systems00000
ITR 307Workplace Readiness for Communication/Media Majors00000
LAR 447Professional Landscape Architectural Practice00000
LHR 542Labor Relations And Collective Bargaining00000
JOR 321Magazine Article and Feature Writing00000
LIB 250Information Research Across Disciplines00000
ISE 401Industrial and Systems Engineering Capstone Design I00000
LSC 504Searching for Answers: Meeting Users' Information Needs00000
JOR 430Advanced Television News00000
LSC 520School Library Media Services00000
HSA 360Health Services Administration00000
LSC 531Young Adult Materials and Services00000
JPN 103Intermediate Japanese I00000
LSC 562Digital Archives and Preservation00000
ISE 520Human Factors & Ergonomics00000
MAC 502Current Accounting Theory00000
JPN 305Advanced Japanese I00000
MAF 120New England and the Sea00000
HPR 316Honors Seminar in Diversity & Inclusion and Humanities00000
MAF 370Environmental Injustice00000
KIN 116Teaching Individual Sports Activities00000
MAF 471Critical Island Studies00000
ISE 592Special Problems00000
MAF 499Directed Study00000
KIN 270Introduction to Teaching Physical Education and Health00000
MAF 523Fisheries Law and Management00000
INE 247(BUS) Business of Innovation: The Design Process00000
MAF 582Coastal Ecosystem Governance00000
KIN 309Supervised Experience in Health Education00000
MBA 501Computing for Management00000
ITL 205Conversation and Composition00000
MBA 516Professional Writing, Speaking and Presenting00000
KIN 369Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology00000
MBA 521Operations and Supply Chain for Innovation00000
HPR 183GHonors in Diversity & Inclusion and Information Literacy00000
MBA 528Business Integration II00000
KIN 420Fitness Programs for Individuals with Chronic Diseases00000
MBA 539Hacking for Environment: Oceans00000
ITL 317Italian Language and Culture Study Abroad II00000
LAR 477Landscape Architecture Internship00000
JOR 115Foundations of American Journalism00000
LAT 302Intermediate-Advanced Latin00000
LET 151Topics In Letters00000
KIN 501Seminar in Kinesiology00000
HIS 302The Roman Empire00000
HPR 301Honors Tutorial Topic: Administrative Internship00000