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UTRGV Course Reviews

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 1302Rhetoric & Composition II54451
ANTH 3363Arch Method & Theory00000
ARTS 1304Art History II00000
ARTS 3338Ideas & Styles00000
ANTH 6363Theory & Method in Arch00000
ALAW 4301Legal Research and Writing00000
ARTS 2348Digital Media00000
ACCT 6321Advanced Accounting00000
ACCT 6333Business Law for Accountants00000
ANTH 4308Compar Colonialism N New Spain00000
ANTH 4323Mexican Amer Culture00000
ANTH 6317Field Experience Borderlands00000
ACCT 8330Corporate Governance00000
ANTH 7100Thesis00000
ACCT 4355Adv Intl Acctg00000
ARTS 2317Painting II00000
ANTH 3304Indians North America00000
ARTS 3321Interm Painting00000
ACCT 4327Auditing00000
ARTS 3354Hist of Graphic Design00000
ACCT 6329Corporate and Partnership Tax00000
ANTH 4312Political And Legal Anth00000
ACCT 4331Advanced Accounting00000
ACCT 6360Tax Research & Comm00000
ANTH 4350Mex Amer Folk Medicine00000
ANTH 4369Arch Mexico And Cent Amer00000
ANTH 6311Medical Anthropology00000
ACCT 8310Cap Mkt Research00000
ANTH 6345Anth Method and Theory00000
ACCT 4346Mngrl Acct Intern00000
ANTH 6375Mexican-American Folklor00000
ALAW 3307Civil Litigation Advanced00000
ARAB 1312Beginning Arabic II00000
ACCT 3327Fraud Exam and Foren Acc00000
ARTS 1317Drawing II00000
ANTH 2302Intro To Archeology00000
ARTS 2334Printmaking II00000
ACCT 6310Auditing00000
ARTS 2362Computer Imaging II00000
ANTH 3343Museum Studies Internship00000
ARTS 3332Digital Image00000
ACCT 3323Income Taxation00000
ARTS 3350Pre-Hisp Mesoam Art & Archtctr00000
ANTH 4304Indians North America00000
ARTS 3357S Am Viceregal Art & Archtctre00000
ACCT 4329Corp and Partner Tax00000
ANTH 4310Food And Culture00000
ACCT 6331Fin Acct Theory00000
ANTH 4315Discovering RGV00000
ACCT 3324Cost Acc & Mgt00000
ANTH 4345Anth Theory & Method00000
ACCT 6341Acct Res & Comm00000
ANTH 4363Interpreting the Past00000
ACCT 4332Accounting Research00000
ACCT 6363Fraud Examination00000
ANTH 4385TopAnth: Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 6304Indians of North America00000
ANTH 6309Anth of Sex & Gender00000
ACCT 6392Advanced Financial Reporting00000
ANTH 6314Environmental Anthro00000
ACCT 4345Accounting Internship00000
ANTH 6333U.S. & Other World Culture00000
ACCT 8322Scholarship Seminar00000
ANTH 6350Mexican Am Folk Medicine00000
ACCT 3326Accounting Information Systems00000
ANTH 6369Arch Mexico/Central Amer00000
ACCT 8350Acct Theory-An Info Cont Persp00000
ANTH 6385Top Anthropology: Forensic00000
ACCT 4350Ethics for Accountants00000
ANTH 7301Thesis II00000
ALAW 3312Evidence00000
ARTS 1301Art Appreciation00000
ACCT 3322Intermediate Accounting II00000
ARTS 1312Design II00000
ANTH 1324Human Evolution00000
ARTS 2314Design Communications II00000
ACCT 6301Accounting for Managers00000
ARTS 2327Sculpture II00000
ANTH 2311Global Health00000
ARTS 2346Ceramics I00000
ACCT 3350International Accounting00000
ARTS 2357Photography II00000
ANTH 3323Mexican Amer Culture00000
ARTS 3303Interm Jewelry/Metalworking00000
ACCT 6320Acct & Fin Analysis00000
ARTS 3330Image & Illustration00000
ANTH 3344Archive Studies Internship00000
ARTS 3334Photography as an Art Form00000
ACCT 2302Intro to Manag Acc00000
ARTS 3341Interm Sculpture00000
ANTH 3375Mexican Amer Folklore00000
ARTS 3352Art & Archt Asia Africa Oceani00000
ACCT 6328Tax Topics00000
ANTH 6306Anthropology of Borders00000
ANTH 4306Anthropology Of Borders00000
ACCT 2301Intro to Financial Acc00000
ACCT 3321Intermediate Accounting I00000
ACCT 3325Gov and Not-for-Profit Acc00000
ACCT 4336Accounting Data Analytics00000
ACCT 6375Financial Statement Analysis00000