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UTRGV Course Reviews

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 1302Rhetoric & Composition II54451
ENGL 0301Reading/Writing Studio00000
ENGL 1387Rhetoric & Composition I HON00000
ENGL 2312History of Film00000
ENGL 2314Apprec & Analysis of Lit00000
ENGL 2321Intro to Brit Lit00000
ENGL 2331Intro to World Lit00000
ENGL 2351Intro to Mexican American Lit00000
ENGL 3301Survey of British Literature I00000
ENGL 3303Survey of Am Lit I00000
ENGL 3305Survey of World Literature00000
ENGL 3307Intro to Film Studies00000
ENGL 3309Intro to Cultural Studies00000
ENGL 3311English Renaissance Literature00000
ENGL 3313The Romantic Period00000
ENGL 3315The English Novel to 185000000
ENGL 3320Develop of Am Novel00000
ENGL 3322Hemingway00000
ENGL 3325Literature of the Americas00000
ENGL 3326Modern Poetry00000
ENGL 3328Short Story & Novella00000
ENGL 3330Dystopian Literature00000
ENGL 3334Ethnic Women Writers00000
ENGL 3337Childrens/Adol Lit00000
ENGL 3341Alternative Rhetorics00000
ENGL 3343Business Communication00000
ENGL 3345Studies in Literacy00000
ENGL 3347Women's Rhetoric & Language00000
ENGL 3351Creative Writing I00000
ENGL 3360Intro to Lang Studies00000
ENGL 3362English Grammar00000
ENGL 3371Community Language Project00000
ENGL 3377Methods & Assessments for ELLs00000
ENGL 4302Postcolonial Lit & Theory00000
ENGL 4308TopIntFlm:FlmOfAlfredHitchcock00000
ENGL 4310Chaucer00000
ENGL 4312Milton00000
ENGL 4314Adv Topics Comptemp Poetry00000
ENGL 4316Beat Generation00000
ENGL 4318South Texas Literature00000
ENGL 4320Literature & Psychoanalysis00000
ENGL 4338Teaching Sec School Lit00000
ENGL 4341Applied Discourse Studies00000
ENGL 4343Composition Theory & Pedagogy00000
ENGL 4350Adv Creative Writ Poetry00000
ENGL 4352Adv Creative Writ Fiction00000
ENGL 4354Adv Creative Writ Graphic Lit00000
ENGL 4357Adv Creative Writ Social Actio00000
ENGL 4359Special Topics Creative Writ00000
ENGL 4361Modern English Syntax00000
ENGL 4365History of English Language00000
ENGL 4375Language Acquisition00000
ENGL 4385Aztec Language & Literature00000
ENGL 4390Senior English Capstone00000
ENGL 4399Independent Study00000
ENGL 6301Studies in Literary Theory00000
ENGL 6303Studies in Genre00000
ENGL 6321Research:Rhet, Comp & Literacy00000
ENGL 6323History of Rhet, Comp & Lit00000
ENGL 6325Studies in CompTechniques00000
ENGL 6327Writing Academic Discourse00000
ENGL 6334Intro to Creative Writ00000
ENGL 6336Form & Theory Short Fic00000
ENGL 6338Form & Theory of Poetry00000
ENGL 6340Form & Theory of Playwriting00000
ENGL 6343Literary Translation00000
ENGL 6345Fiction Workshop00000
ENGL 6347Poetry Workshop00000
ENGL 6350Graphic Lit Workshop00000
ENGL 6352Special Topics Workshop00000
ENGL 6355Lit Sec School Teachers00000
ENGL 6357Young Adult Literature00000
ENGL 6361Problems in Linguistics00000
ENGL 6363Studies in English Phonology00000
ENGL 6366Topics in Linguistics00000
ENGL 6370Intro to ESL00000
ENGL 6373ESL Testing00000
ENGL 6375Studies-Lang & Culture00000
ENGL 6376Varieties of English00000
ENGL 6399Independent Study00000
ENGL 7300Thesis00000
ENGL 7310Thesis I00000
ENGL 0101Intro to College Reading & Wri00000
ENGL 1301Rhetoric & Composition I00000
ENGL 1305Writing Cultural Studies00000
ENGL 1388Rhetoric & Composition II HON00000
ENGL 2313Reading in Dramatic Lit00000
ENGL 2315Humans & Language00000
ENGL 2326Intro to Am Lit00000
ENGL 2341Intro to Literature00000
ENGL 3300Intro to English Studies00000
ENGL 3302Survey of Brit Lit II00000
ENGL 3304Survey of Am Lit II00000
ENGL 3306Survey of Literary Theory00000
ENGL 3308Literature & Film Adaptation00000
ENGL 3310Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 3312The Eighteenth Century00000
ENGL 3314The Victorian Period00000
ENGL 3316English Novel 1850-Present00000
ENGL 332119th Cent Am Lit00000
ENGL 3323Contemporary American Fiction00000
ENGL 3327Contemporary Drama00000
ENGL 3329Science Fiction00000
ENGL 3332World Drama00000
ENGL 3335Women's Literature00000
ENGL 3340Survey Rhetorical Theory00000
ENGL 3342Technical Communication00000
ENGL 3344Adv Composition00000
ENGL 3346Writing & Culture00000
ENGL 3350Gallery00000
ENGL 3352Creative Non-Fiction00000
ENGL 3361Intro to Descript Liguistics00000
ENGL 3370Language & Culture00000
ENGL 3375Intro to Eng as 2nd Lang00000
ENGL 4300AdTopLit&CulStd:CityLiterature00000
ENGL 4307Topics in Film Theory00000
ENGL 4309Special Topics in Film00000
ENGL 4311Shakespeare00000
ENGL 4313Topics in Single Author00000
ENGL 4315AdvTop:DetectiveFicGlobally00000
ENGL 4317Mexican American Literature00000
ENGL 4321The Classics in Translation00000
ENGL 4340Adv Specialization RCLS00000
ENGL 4342Assessing & Responding to Writ00000
ENGL 4344Writing for Lawyers00000
ENGL 4351Adv Creative Writ Playwriting00000
ENGL 4353Forms & Tech in Creative Writ00000
ENGL 4355Adv Creative Writ Screenwrit00000
ENGL 4358Adv Creative Writ Performance00000
ENGL 4360Fundm of Lang Development00000
ENGL 4362Contrastive Grammar00000
ENGL 4370Intro to Border Language00000
ENGL 4377Experience in Secondary ESL00000
ENGL 4395Adv Tp ENGL: Comm Lang Proj00000
ENGL 6300Intro Literary Studies00000
ENGL 6302Studies In Literary History00000
ENGL 6304Romantic & Victorian Periods00000
ENGL 6305Studies in American Lit00000
ENGL 6306Studies in Comparative Lit00000
ENGL 6308Studies in Mexican-Am Lit00000
ENGL 6309Studies In Lit Of The Americas00000
ENGL 6310The Latinx Gothic00000
ENGL 6311Studies in Gender & Lit00000
ENGL 6312Americo Paredes: StudSngleAuth00000
ENGL 6313Post Colonial Crit Foundations00000
ENGL 6315Tp in Cult Stds: Crit Theory00000
ENGL 6320Rhetoric, Comp, Literacy00000
ENGL 6322Theory in Rhet, Comp & Lit00000
ENGL 6324Pedagogy in Rhet, Comp & Lit00000
ENGL 6326Professional Writing00000
ENGL 6328Topics in Narrative Rhet00000
ENGL 6335Special Topics Creative Writ00000
ENGL 6337Form & Theory NonFiction00000
ENGL 6339Form & Theory The Novel00000
ENGL 6342Form & Theory Graphic Lit00000
ENGL 6344Topics-Writing Literary Genres00000
ENGL 6346Creative Nonfiction Workshop00000
ENGL 6349Screenwriting Workshop00000
ENGL 6351Teaching Creative Writ00000
ENGL 6353Critical Engagement00000
ENGL 6356Children's Literature00000
ENGL 6360Desc Linguistics for Teachers00000
ENGL 6362Modern English Syntax00000
ENGL 6365History of the English Lang00000
ENGL 6371Problems in ESL00000
ENGL 6372Practicum in ESL00000
ENGL 6374Second Language Acquisition00000
ENGL 6390Special Topics in English00000
ENGL 7100Thesis Hours00000
ENGL 7301Thesis00000
ENGL 7311Thesis II00000