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UTSA Course Reviews

University of Texas San Antonio

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEO 3393Intro to Isotope Geochemistry43551
GEO 5991Graduate Seminar in Geology35321
GEO 6952Independent Study13111
GEO 5904Carbonate Petrology23221
GEO 5103Current Topics in Geosciences34111
GEO 7211Doctoral Research00000
GEO 3343Intro to Geospatial Technolog00000
GEO 3131Sedimentation & Strat Lab00000
GEO 3111Structural Geology Laboratory00000
GEO 3063Paleontology00000
GEO 3043Petrology00000
GEO 3004Rocks, Fossils, & Global Tecto00000
GEO 2011Mineralogy Laboratory00000
GEO 1123Life Through Time(Q)00000
GEO 1013The Third Planet(Q)00000
GEO 7312Doctoral Dissertation00000
GEO 4073Web GIS00000
GEO 6981Master's Thesis00000
GEO 6953Independent Study00000
GEO 6533Programming for Geospatial App00000
GEO 6403Advanced Geophysics00000
GEO 6183Basin Analysis-Sediment Geolog00000
GEO 6063Ocean Remote Sensing00000
GEO 5971Directed Research00000
GEO 5713Groundwater Modeling00000
GEO 5483Environmental Hydrology00000
GEO 5454Advanced Paleontology(Topic 2)00000
GEO 7311Doctoral Dissertation00000
GEO 7213Doctoral Research00000
GEO 6983Master's Thesis00000
GEO 6973SP: Aqueous Geochemistry00000
GEO 6523GIS for Water Resources00000
GEO 6304Isotope Geochemistry00000
GEO 6093Remote Sensing in Hydrology00000
GEO 6053Remote Sensing00000
GEO 5973Directed Research00000
GEO 5603Physical Hydrogeology00000
GEO 4033Profession of Geology00000
GEO 5113Research Design in Geosciences00000
GEO 5063Applied Statistics for Geoinfo00000
GEO 5033Geographical Information Systs00000
GEO 4953SS: Petroleum Geology00000
GEO 4911Independent Study00000
GEO 4511Hydrogeophysics Laboratory00000
GEO 4121Geomorphology Laboratory00000
GEO 4113Geomorphology00000
GEO 5303Petroleum Geology00000
GEO 4813Planetary Geology00000
GEO 6243Paleoecology/Paleoclimatology00000
GEO 6083Remote Sensing Image Process00000
GEO 6011Sem: Geospatial Sci & Applicat00000
GEO 5972Directed Research00000
GEO 5894Advanced Structural Geology00000
GEO 5504Advanced Stratigraphy00000
GEO 5413River Science00000
GEO 5093Remote Sensing in Hydrology00000
GEO 5053Remote Sensing00000
GEO 5013Volcanology00000
GEO 4913Independent Study00000
GEO 6513Advanced GIS00000
GEO 4503Hydrogeophysics00000
GEO 4103Programming & Stats for GIS00000
GEO 4063Advanced Environmental Geology00000
GEO 4023Engineering Geology00000
GEO 3383General Geophysics00000
GEO 3173Polar Regions & Climate Change00000
GEO 3123Sedimentation & Stratigraphy00000
GEO 3071Paleontology Laboratory00000
GEO 3051Petrology Laboratory00000
GEO 3003Fundamentals of Meteorology00000
GEO 2003Mineralogy00000
GEO 3113Geologic Field Investigations00000
GEO 5083Remote Sensing Image Processin00000
GEO 5043Intro: Earth Sys & Remote Sen00000
GEO 4993Honors Research00000
GEO 4912Independent Study00000
GEO 4623Groundwater Hydrogeology00000
GEO 4203Aqueous Geochemistry00000
GEO 4093Principles of Remote Sensing00000
GEO 4053Climate Change00000
GEO 4013Volcanology00000
GEO 3374Geochemistry00000
GEO 3163Oceanography00000
GEO 1111Physical Geology Laboratory00000
GEO 3103Structural Geology00000
GEO 3013Fundamentals/Plate Tectonics00000
GEO 2113Fundamentals of GIS00000
GEO 1131Life Through Time Laboratory00000
GEO 1103Physical Geology00000
GEO 7313Doctoral Dissertation00000
GEO 7212Doctoral Research00000
GEO 6982Master's Thesis00000
GEO 6961Comprehensive Examination00000
GEO 6951Independent Study00000