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UVA Course Reviews

University of Virginia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 3100Introduction to Probability222.532
CHEM 1410Introductory College Chemistry I31331
ARCH 1010Lessons of the Lawn14111
ANTH 8998Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Research00000
ANTH 7060Dissertation Research Proposal Workshop00000
ANTH 2375Disaster00000
AMST 3001Theories and Methods of American Studies00000
APMA 3110Applied Statistics and Probability00000
ANTH 3152Rainforests of Flesh / Peoples of Spirit00000
ARAB 3259Advanced Arabic for Business00000
ANTH 3370Power and the Body00000
ANTH 5549Topics in Theoretical Linguistics and Linguistic Anthropolog...00000
ANTH 2040Methods in the Study of Culture00000
ANTH 7455African Languages00000
AM 6020Continuum Mechanics With Applications00000
APMA 1110Single Variable Calculus II00000
ANTH 2590Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
APMA 8897Graduate Teaching Instruction00000
AAS 7200Black Environmental Thought00000
ARAB 5245Readings in Classical Arabic Prose00000
AMST 3300Introduction to Latinx Studies00000
ACCT 3020Introductory Accounting II00000
ANTH 3480Language and Prehistory00000
AMST 3427Gender, Things, and Difference00000
ANTH 3590Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 4420Theories of Language00000
ANTH 5490Speech Play and Verbal Art00000
AMST 4998Distinguished Majors Program Thesis Research00000
ANTH 7010History of Anthropological Theory00000
ALAR 8010Research Studio 100000
ANTH 7370Power and the Body00000
ANTH 2270Race, Gender, and Medical Science00000
ANTH 7589Topics in Archaeology00000
AAS 4501Advanced Research Seminar in History & AAS00000
ANTH 9050Research Practicum00000
ANTH 2440Language and Cinema00000
APMA 2511Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
AMST 2321Latinx Fiction and Film00000
APMA 5070Numerical Methods00000
ANTH 3010Theory and History of Anthropology00000
ARAB 2250Conversational Arabic00000
AAS 3645Musical Fictions00000
ARAB 4020Advanced Arabic IV00000
ANTH 3280Introduction to Native American Studies: (Mis)Representation...00000
ARAB 5420Advanced Arabic IV00000
ACCT 2010Introductory Accounting I00000
ANTH 3450Native American Languages00000
AMST 3323Hemispheric Latinx Literature and Culture00000
ANTH 3541Topics in Linguistics00000
AAS 3652African American History since 186500000
ANTH 3630Chinese Family and Religion00000
AMST 3471American Cinema00000
ACCT 3120Intermediate Accounting II00000
ANTH 4993Independent Study in Anthropology00000
AMST 3559New Course in American Studies00000
ANTH 4998Distinguished Majors Thesis Research00000
ANTH 5220Economic Anthropology00000
ANTH 5475Multimodal Interaction00000
AMST 4559New Course in American Studies00000
ANTH 5528Topics in Race Theory00000
AIRS 4100National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty00000
ANTH 5590Topics in Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
AMST 8570Studies in American Culture00000
ANTH 7040Ethnographic Research Design and Methods00000
AAS 4070Directed Reading and Research00000
ANTH 7129Marriage, Mortality, Fertility00000
ANTH 2190Desire and World Economics00000
ANTH 7420Theories of Language00000
ALAR 8100Thesis I00000
ANTH 7480Language and Prehistory00000
ANTH 2325Anthropology of God00000
ANTH 7630Chinese Family and Religion00000
AAS 3300Social Science Perspectives on African American and African...00000
ANTH 9010Directed Readings00000
ANTH 2415Language in Human Evolution00000
ANTH 9999Non-Topical Research00000
AMST 1559New Course in American Studies00000
APMA 2130Ordinary Differential Equations00000
ANTH 2559New Course in Anthropology00000
APMA 3080Linear Algebra00000
AAS 4993Independent Study00000
APMA 3501Special Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
ANTH 2625Imagining Africa00000
APMA 6430Statistics for Engineers and Scientists00000
AMST 2559New Course in American Studies00000
ARAB 1020Elementary Arabic00000
ANTH 3100Indigenous Landscapes00000
ARAB 3230Arabic Conversation and Composition00000
AAS 2224Black Femininities and Masculinities in the US Media00000
ARAB 3810Modern Arabic Fiction00000
ANTH 3240The Anthropology of Food00000
ARAB 4245Readings in Classical Arabic Prose00000
AMST 3221Hands-On Public History: Slavery and Reconstruction00000
AMST 3880Literature of the South00000
ANTH 5360World Mental Health00000
ANTH 5410Phonology00000
ANTH 3310Controversies of Care in Contemporary Africa00000
AAS 1010Introduction to African-American and African Studies I00000
AAS 2740Peoples and Cultures of Africa00000
AAS 3745Currents in African Literature00000