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UVic Course Reviews

University of Victoria

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC201Research Methods in Psychology2.
PSYC345ADrugs and Behaviour2.71.53.534
PSYC300AStatistical Methods in Psychology2.
PSYC251Introduction to Mind and Brain4.534.53.52
PSYC231Introduction to Social Psychology32.53.532
PSYC100AIntroductory Psychology I4.35441
PSYC100BIntroductory Psychology II4.35441
PSYC431IPsychology and Law3.33341
PSYC366Psychological Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence54551
PSYC332Health Psychology33441
PSYC365Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology53431
PSYC 401Measurement Of Psychological Processes00000
PSYC 589Introduction to Evidence-Based Adult Psychotherapies00000
PSYC 594SPCL TPCS:CLINIC INTERVEN: Narrative Therapy00000
PSYC 599Thesis00000
PSYC 606Clinical Internship00000
PSYC 699PhD Dissertation00000
PSYC 531Environmental Psychology00000
PSYC 501Practicum in Applied Psychology00000
PSYC 503Practicum in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 506APsychology Clinic Practice00000
PSYC 507Personality00000
PSYC 518Psychometric Methods00000
PSYC 526Special Topics in Personality and Social Psychology00000
PSYC 603Advanced Clinical Practicum00000
PSYC 586AAdvanced Clinical Assessment00000
PSYC 583Professional and Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 578Research Methods in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 576DCognitive Processes: Cognitive Control00000
PSYC 569SPCL TPCS:LIFE-SPAN DEV: Programs and Policy00000
PSYC 565Cognitive Development in Adulthood and Aging00000
PSYC 562Infancy and Childhood00000
PSYC 560Research Methods in Lifespan Psychology00000
PSYC 546AAdvanced Neuropsychology: Children and Adolescents00000
PSYC 543Behavioural Neuroanatomy00000
PSYC 540History and Theory in Neuropsychology00000
PSYC 532General Linear Model Univariate00000
PSYC 527Research Methods in Social Psychology00000
PSYC 520Survey of Social Psychology00000
PSYC 513Quantitative Analysis00000
PSYC 506BPsychology Clinic Practice Test Mastery00000
PSYC 593Family Interventions00000
PSYC 591Special Topics in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 586BPractice in Advanced Clinical Assessment00000
PSYC 584Clinical Assessment: Cognitive Functioning00000
PSYC 581Psychopathology: Childhood and Adolescence00000
PSYC 576ACognitive Processes: Human Memory00000
PSYC 574BCognitive Methods: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging00000
PSYC 568Adolescence00000
PSYC 563Adult Development and Aging00000
PSYC 556Applied Clinical Assessment in Cognitive Functioning00000
PSYC 547Neuropsychological Intervention in Adults00000
PSYC 545Neuropsychological Assessment00000
PSYC 537Multilevel Modeling00000
PSYC 604INDIVIDUAL STUDY: Undergraduate Research Mentoring and Super...00000
PSYC 597Clinical Psychology Colloquium00000
PSYC 533General Linear Model Multivariate00000
PSYC 588Child and Adolescent Therapy00000
PSYC 585Clinical Assessment: Psychosocial Functioning00000
PSYC 582Psychopathology: Adulthood00000
PSYC 577Cognitive Seminar00000
PSYC 576ECognitive Processes: Visual Perception00000
PSYC 574ACognitive Methods: Electroencephalography and Event-related...00000
PSYC 567Dysfunctional Development In Adulthood And Aging00000
PSYC 564Advanced Analysis Of Change And Variation00000
PSYC 561History and Theories in Lifespan Psychology00000
PSYC 555BThe Psychology of Nature, Sustainability, and Climate Change00000
PSYC 546BAdvanced Neuropsychology: Adults00000
PSYC 693PhD Candidacy Examinations00000
PSYC 595Cognitive Behavioural Therapy00000
PSYC 541Research Design and Methods in Neuropsychology00000
PSYC492Research Seminar in Psychology00000
PSYC491Advanced Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC462Clinical Interventions, Prevention, and Health Promotion00000
PSYC451CTopics in Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSYC442History and Theories in Lifespan Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC431JThe Self00000
PSYC425Advanced Environmental Psychology00000
PSYC390Independent Study in Psychology00000
PSYC375Interpersonal Relationships00000
PSYC351BHuman Neuropsychology00000
PSYC339Adult Development and Aging00000
PSYC334Organizational Psychology00000
PSYC320Evolutionary Psychology00000
PSYC260Introduction to Mental Health and Well-Being00000
PSYC191Psychology in Contemporary Society00000
PSYC205Psychology of Diversity00000
PSYC463Special Topics in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC451DAdvanced Biological Psychology00000
PSYC450Developmental Disorders and Learning Disabilities00000
PSYC435AAdvanced Infant and Child Development00000
PSYC431BSocial Cognition00000
PSYC391Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC385Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being00000
PSYC351CCognitive Neuroscience00000
PSYC338Behavioural Interventions with Children and Adults00000
PSYC335Infant and Child Development00000
PSYC317Sensation and Perception00000
PSYC243Introduction to Lifespan Development00000
PSYC192Introduction to Positive Psychology00000
PSYC210Conceptual Foundations of Psychology00000
PSYC 502RESEARCH APPRENTICESHIP: Weight Stigma and the Self00000
PSYC 470Cognitive Neuroscience Of Lang00000
PSYC 326The Environmental Psychology of Places and the World00000
PSYC499Honours Thesis and Seminar00000
PSYC476Advanced Psychology of Sexuality00000
PSYC460Family Violence across the Lifespan00000
PSYC451ATopics in Advanced Cognitive Psychology00000
PSYC435CAdvanced Adolescent Development00000
PSYC431GSelf-Regulation and Goals00000
PSYC400AAdvanced Statistical Methods00000
PSYC376Social Psychology of Sexuality00000
PSYC370CTopics in Psycholinguistics00000
PSYC351ACognitive Psychology00000
PSYC336Adolescent Development00000
PSYC 505Clinical Intervention Practicum00000
PSYC490Advanced Independent Study in Psychology00000
PSYC461Field Placement in Psychology00000
PSYC451BAdvanced Neuropsychology00000
PSYC435EAdvanced Adult Development and Aging00000
PSYC431HAdvanced Interpersonal Relationships00000
PSYC405Core Concepts in Psychology00000
PSYC386Cultural Psychology00000
PSYC370BChild Language Acquisition00000
PSYC341Women and Psychology00000
PSYC333Consumer Psychology00000
PSYC325Environmental Psychology00000
PSYC300BStatistical Methods in Psychology II00000