Professor Asmita Sodhi Reviews
Class Ratings
4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
Professor Rating
4Good Prof
Prof: Asmita Sodhi / Spring 2023
Aug 2, 2023
Comments on the course
Calc 2 is infamous for being "the hardest calculus" but in all honesty it's not too bad. The course had an assignment and a quiz every week (one due Friday one due Tuesday) and I felt they were great for studying.
Course Content
Majority of the course is using tests you learn to determine divergence or convergence of an infinite series. If you get the methods down the actual integration is pretty basic.
Comments on the professor
Awesome, very personable and kind. Will do whatever it takes for you to understand a concept. Also, midterms got back relatively fast for the class size.
Like all math, do lots of practice. Once you get the ideas in your head you just go through the motions on every question.