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UW Course Reviews

University of Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
A A 310 Orbital and Space Flight Mechanics54551
A A 528 Spacecraft Dynamics and Control41431
A A 311 Atmospheric Flight Mechanics00000
A S 332 Aerospace Studies 30000000
A S 432 Aerospace Studies 40000000
A A 101 Air and Space Vehicles00000
A A 210 Engineering Statics00000
A A 299 Undergraduate Research00000
A A 302 Incompressible Aerodynamics00000
A S 103 Foundations in the United States Air Force III00000
A A 320 Aerospace Instrumentation00000
A A 322 Aerospace Laboratory II00000
A A 395 Undergraduate Seminar00000
A A 406 Electric Propulsion00000
A A 419 Aerospace Heat Transfer00000
A A 447 Control in Aerospace Systems00000
A A 460 Propulsion00000
A S 213 The Evolution of Air and Space Power III00000
A A 470 Systems Engineering00000
A E 559 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Composites00000
A E 552 Aerospace Composite Design II00000
A E 549 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Structures00000
A E 542 Fatigue and Fracture in Aerospace Structures00000
A E 529 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Fluids00000
A E 522 Rocket Propulsion00000
A E 519 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Controls00000
A E 512 Dynamics, Stability, and Control of Vehicles00000
A E 501 Analytical Methods for Aerospace Engineering00000
A A 600 Independent Study or Research00000
A A 597 Networked Dynamics Systems00000
A A 591 Robotics and Control Systems Colloquium00000
A A 585 System Identification and Adaptive Control00000
A A 581 Digital Control System Design00000
A A 590 Space Law and Policy00000
A S 431 Aerospace Studies 40000000
A S 331 Aerospace Studies 30000000
A S 212 The Evolution of Air and Space Power II00000
A S 102 Foundations in the United States Air Force II00000
A E 554 Manufacture of Aerospace Composites00000
A E 551 Aerospace Composite Design I00000
A E 544 Additive Manufacturing00000
A E 541 Finite Element Analysis00000
A E 524 Computational Aerodynamics00000
A E 521 Aircraft Propulsions00000
A E 514 Estimation Theory00000
A E 511 Classical Control Theory00000
A A 800 Doctoral Dissertation00000
A A 599 Special Projects00000
A A 594 Robust Control00000
A A 559 Plasma Science Seminar00000
A A 583 Nonlinear Control Systems00000
A A 580 Geometric Methods for Non-Linear Control Systems00000
A A 564 Kinetic Theory/Radiative Transfer00000
A A 558 Plasma Theory00000
A A 554 Aeroelasticity00000
A A 548 Linear Multivariable Control00000
A A 545 Computational Methods for Plasmas00000
A A 541 Finite Element Analysis II00000
A A 535 Advanced Composite Structural Analysis00000
A A 530 Mechanics of Solids00000
A A 527 Space Power Systems00000
A A 524 Aeroacoustics00000
A A 508 Turbulence00000
A A 504 Compressible Fluid Mechanics00000
A A 499 Undergraduate Research00000
A A 547 Linear Systems Theory00000
A E 543 Structural Vibrations00000
A E 540 Mechanics of Solids00000
A E 523 Aircraft Noise00000
A E 520 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics00000
A E 513 Multivariable Control00000
A E 510 Linear Systems Theory00000
A A 700 Master's Thesis00000
A A 598 Special Topics in Aeronautics and Astronautics00000
A A 593 Feedforward Control00000
A A 589 Special Topics in Solid Mechanics00000
A A 582 Introduction to Discrete Event Systems00000
A A 578 Convex Optimization00000
A A 560 Plasma Diagnostics00000
A A 557 Physics of Fusion Plasmas00000
A A 550 Nonlinear Optimal Control00000
A E 550 Mechanics of Composite Materials00000
A A 544 Computational Fluid Dynamics of Incompressible Flows00000
A A 540 Finite Element Analysis I00000
A A 532 Mechanics of Composite Materials00000
A A 529 Space Propulsion00000
A A 525 Advanced Airbreathing Propulsion00000
A A 516 Stability and Control of Flight Vehicles00000
A A 507 Incompressible Fluid Mechanics00000
A A 503 Continuum Mechanics00000
A A 498 Special Topics00000
A A 462 Rocket Propulsion00000
A A 449 Special Topics in Controls00000
A A 421 Spacecraft and Space System Design II00000
A A 411 Aircraft Design II00000
A A 405 Introduction to Aerospace Plasmas00000
A A 410 Aircraft Design I00000
A A 332 Aerospace Structures II00000
A A 556 Space and Laboratory Plasma Physics00000
A A 549 Estimation and System Identification00000
A A 546 Advanced Topics in Control System Theory00000
A A 543 Computational Fluid Dynamics of Compressible Flows00000
A A 538 Introduction to Structural Optimization00000
A A 531 Quasibrittle Fracture Mechanics and Scaling00000
A A 523 Special Topics in Fluid Physics00000
A A 510 Mathematical Foundations of Systems Theory00000
A A 506 Vortex-Dominated Flows00000
A A 501 Advanced Gas Dynamics00000
A A 490 Space Law and Policy00000
A A 461 Air Breathing Propulsion00000
A A 448 Control Systems Sensors and Actuators00000
A A 420 Spacecraft and Space Systems Design I00000
A A 565 Fusion Reactor Fundamentals00000
A A 402 Viscous Fluid Mechanics00000
A A 331 Aerospace Structures I00000
A A 321 Aerospace Laboratory I00000
A A 312 Structural Vibrations00000
A A 301 Compressible Aerodynamics00000
A A 260 Thermodynamics00000
A A 198 Special Topics in Aeronautics and Astronautics00000
A S 433 Aerospace Studies 40000000
A S 333 Aerospace Studies 30000000
A S 250 Aerospace Studies Leadership Laboratory00000
A S 211 The Evolution of Air and Space Power I00000
A S 101 Foundations of the United States Air Force I00000
A E 598 Aerospace Engineering Colloquium00000
A E 553 Advanced Composite Structural Analysis00000