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UW Course Reviews

University of Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 152 General Chemistry43441
CHEM 143 Accelerated General Chemistry11111
CHEM 238 Organic Chemistry43241
CHEM 237 Organic Chemistry42341
CHEM 142 General Chemistry21431
CHEM E 558 Surface Analysis00000
CHEM E 480 Process Dynamics and Control00000
CHEM E 486 Process Design II00000
CHEM 523 Geochemical Cycles00000
CHEM E 493 Advanced Surface Analysis00000
CHEM E 498 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering00000
CHEM E 511 Biomaterials Seminar00000
CHEM E 515 Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering Research00000
CHEM E 530 Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer I00000
CHEM E 540 Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems00000
CHEM E 547 Data Science Capstone Project00000
CHEM E 461 Electrochemical Engineering00000
CHEM E 580 Topics in Chemical Engineering Design00000
CHEM E 584 Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers00000
CHEM E 591 Robotics and Control Systems Colloquium00000
CHEM E 600 Independent Study or Research00000
CHEM 120 Principles of Chemistry I00000
CHEM 145 Honors General Chemistry00000
CHEM 155 Honors General Chemistry00000
CHEM 196 Chemistry Frontiers00000
CHEM 198 Tutorial Study00000
CHEM 224 Organic Chemistry - Short Program00000
CHEM 239 Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 585 Electronic Structure and Application of Materials00000
CHEM 529 Chemical Separation Techniques00000
CHEM E 700 Master's Thesis00000
CHEM 532 Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 540 Current Problems in Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 545 Data Science Methods for Clean Energy Research00000
CHEM 550 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry00000
CHEM 553 Statistical Mechanics00000
CHEM 565 Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 571 Current Research Topics in Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 575 Current Research Topics in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 526 Instrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 591 Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 595 Seminar in Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 700 Master's Thesis00000
CHEM E 301 Leadership Seminar00000
CHEM E 310 Material and Energy Balances00000
CHEM E 340 Transport Processes II00000
CHEM E 375 Chemical Enginering Computer Skills00000
CHEM E 436 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I00000
CHEM E 442 Renewable Energy00000
CHEM E 457 Principles of Molecular Engineering00000
CHEM E 482 Advanced Topics in Process Control00000
CHEM 597 Seminar in Molecular Engineering00000
CHEM 800 Doctoral Dissertation00000
CHEM E 309 Creativity and Innovation00000
CHEM E 325 Energy and Entropy00000
CHEM E 330 Transport Processes I00000
CHEM E 355 Biological Frameworks for Engineers00000
CHEM E 435 Transport Processes III00000
CHEM E 440 Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems00000
CHEM E 455 Surface and Colloid Science Laboratory00000
CHEM E 460 Polymer chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM E 467 Biochemical Engineering00000
CHEM 593 Seminar in Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM E 485 Process Design I00000
CHEM E 491 Controlled-Release Systems00000
CHEM E 499 Undergraduate Research00000
CHEM E 512 Methods of Engineering Analysis00000
CHEM E 523 Seminar in Chemical Engineering00000
CHEM E 531 Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer II00000
CHEM E 545 Data Science Methods for Clean Energy Research00000
CHEM E 554 Nanoscale Science I: Contact Mechanics and Rheology on the Nanoscale00000
CHEM E 560 Reactions at Solid Surfaces00000
CHEM E 590 Advanced Topics in Biomaterials00000
CHEM E 593 Advanced Surface Analysis00000
CHEM 525 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis00000
CHEM 431 Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 436 Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 443 Big Data for Materials Science00000
CHEM 455 Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 458 Air Pollution Chemistry00000
CHEM 464 Computers in Data Acquisition and Analysis00000
CHEM 475 Honors Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 486 Electronic Dynamics in Organic and Inorganic Materials00000
CHEM 501 Readings in Chemistry00000
CHEM 510 Current Problems in Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 522 Atomic and Molecular Analytical Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 422 Analytical Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 530 Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 536 Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 542 Materials and Device Modeling00000
CHEM 546 Software Engineering for Molecular Data Scientists00000
CHEM 551 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry00000
CHEM 560 Current Problems in Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 566 Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems00000
CHEM 573 Current Research Topics in Organic and Biological Chemistry00000
CHEM 581 Preparation for Second-Year Exam00000
CHEM 586 Electronic Dynamics in Organic and Inorganic Materials00000
CHEM 547 Data Science Capstone Project00000
CHEM 484 Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers00000
CHEM 491 Study Abroad - Advanced Chemistry00000
CHEM 500 Grant Proposal and Scientific Writing00000
CHEM 516 Transition Metals00000
CHEM 521 Analytical Electrochemistry00000
CHEM 524 Analytical Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 528 Biomolecular Analysis00000
CHEM 531 Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 534 Polymer Chemistry00000
CHEM 541 Data Science and Materials Informatics00000
CHEM 543 Big Data for Materials Science00000
CHEM 465 Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 552 Statistical Mechanics00000
CHEM 564 Organic Electronic and Photonic Materials/Polymers00000
CHEM 567 Computers in Data Acquisition and Analysis00000
CHEM 574 Current Research Topics in Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 578 Current Research Topics in Materials Chemistry00000
CHEM 584 Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers00000
CHEM 590 Seminar in General Chemistry00000
CHEM 592 Seminar in Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 600 Independent Study or Research00000
CHEM E 299 Undergraduate Research00000
CHEM E 326 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics00000
CHEM 399 Undergraduate Research00000
CHEM 162 General Chemistry00000
CHEM 197 Science Outreach Training00000
CHEM 220 Principles of Chemistry II00000
CHEM 221 Principles of Chemistry III00000
CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 291 Study Abroad - Chemistry00000
CHEM 299 Special Problems and Report Writing00000
CHEM 317 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 335 Honors Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 337 Honors Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 347 Organic and Qualitative Organic Honors Laboratory00000
CHEM E 341 Energy and Environment00000
CHEM 417 Organometallic Chemistry00000
CHEM 425 Meso and Microfluidics in Chemical Analysis00000
CHEM 428 Biomolecular Analysis00000
CHEM 430 Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 432 Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 441 Data Science and Materials Informatics00000
CHEM 452 Physical Chemistry for Biochemists I00000
CHEM 456 Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 460 Spectroscopic Molecular Identification00000
CHEM 463 Spectroscopic Techniques for Structural Identification00000
CHEM 429 Chemical Separation Techniques00000
CHEM 223 Organic Chemistry - Short Program00000
CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 297 Science Outreach Participation00000
CHEM 312 Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 321 Quantitative Analysis00000
CHEM 336 Honors Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 346 Organic Chemistry Honors Laboratory00000
CHEM 397 Science Outreach Mentors00000
CHEM 416 Transition Metals00000
CHEM 418 Nuclear Chemistry00000
CHEM 426 Instrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 199 Special Problems00000
CHEM 434 Polymer Chemistry00000
CHEM 442 Materials and Device Modeling00000
CHEM 453 Physical Chemistry for Biochemists II00000
CHEM 457 Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 461 Physical Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 462 Techniques of Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 466 Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems00000
CHEM 485 Electronic Structure and Application of Materials00000
CHEM 499 Undergraduate Research and Report Writing00000
CHEM 508 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM E 525 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics00000
CHEM E 434 Physiological Processes in Engineering Nanomedicine00000
CHEM E 437 Chemical Engineering Laboratory II00000
CHEM E 445 Fuel Cell Engineering00000
CHEM E 458 Surface Analysis00000
CHEM E 465 Reactor Design00000
CHEM E 481 Process Optimization00000
CHEM E 484 Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers00000
CHEM E 490 Engineering Materials for Biomedical Applications00000
CHEM E 497 Special Projects in Chemical Engineering Design00000
CHEM E 510 Mathematical Foundations of Systems Theory00000
CHEM E 514 Advanced Chemical Engineering Laboratory00000
CHEM 517 Organometallics00000
CHEM E 534 Physiological Processes in Engineering Nanomedicine00000
CHEM E 546 Software Engineering for Molecular Data Scientists00000
CHEM E 556 Colloidal Systems00000
CHEM E 565 Kinetics and Catalysis00000
CHEM E 588 Research in Applied Microbiology00000
CHEM E 599 Current Topics in Chemical Engineering00000
CHEM E 800 Doctoral Dissertation00000
CHEM 110 Preparation for General Chemistry00000
CHEM 153 Accelerated General Chemistry00000
CHEM 165 Honors General Chemistry00000