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UW Course Reviews

University of Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POL S 407 International Conflict44541
POL S 321 American Foreign Policy00000
POL S 583 Economic Theories of Politics00000
POL S 383 Environmental Politics and Policy in the United States00000
POL S 510 Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences00000
POL S 590 Seminar in Political Behavior00000
POL S 312 Survey of American Political Thought00000
POL S 451 Communication Technology and Politics00000
POL S 480 Comparative Politics and Korea Studies00000
POL S 349 Strategy and War00000
POL S 395 Study Abroad: Political Science00000
POL S 481 Big City Politics00000
POL S 570 The American Racial State00000
POL S 540 Problems in South Asian Politics00000
POL S 424 International Relations of Japan00000
POL S 202 Introduction to American Politics00000
POL S 270 Introduction to Political Economy00000
POL S 340 Politics of India, Pakistan, and South Asia00000
POL S 348 European Union as Global Actor00000
POL S 423 National Security of Japan00000
POL S 467 Comparative Law in Society00000
POL S 360 Introduction to United States Constitutional Law00000
POL S 359 U.S. Latino Politics00000
POL S 522 International Political Economy00000
POL S 413 Contemporary Political Theory00000
POL S 425 Political Psychology and War00000
POL S 468 Comparative Media Systems00000
POL S 557 United States Party System00000
POL S 500 Political Research Design and Analysis00000
POL S 412 Democratic Theory00000
POL S 524 International Security00000
POL S 579 Contemporary Central Asian Politics00000
POL S 553 Public Opinion00000
POL S 334 Topics in American Politics00000
POL S 595 College Teaching of Political Science00000
POL S 110 Political Argumentation00000
POL S 285 Political Science as a Social Science00000
POL S 436 Ethnic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies00000
POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs00000
POL S 307 Religion and World Politics00000
POL S 358 American Political Culture00000
POL S 311 Individual and the State00000
POL S 410 Technology, Politics, and the State00000
POL S 335 Topics in Political Economy00000
POL S 342 Government and Politics of Latin America00000
POL S 353 United States Congress00000
POL S 355 The American Presidency00000
POL S 473 Decision-Making in Politics00000
POL S 371 Global Crime and Corruption00000
POL S 317 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the United States00000
POL S 406 Marxian Political Economy00000
POL S 515 Political Theory Research Seminar00000
POL S 419 United States-China Relations00000
POL S 365 Lawyers in American Politics00000
POL S 532 The Chinese Political System00000
POL S 431 International Relations in the Middle East00000
POL S 437 Politics in Scandinavia00000
POL S 460 Political Economy of the European Union00000
POL S 549 Problems of Political Development00000
POL S 474 Government and the Economy00000
POL S 402 Advanced Seminar in Human Rights00000
POL S 496 Undergraduate Internship00000
POL S 564 Law and the Politics of Social Change00000
POL S 504 Multi-Method Field Research00000
POL S 328 International Organizations00000
POL S 516 Special Topics in American Political Thought00000
POL S 574 Environmental Regulation Policy00000
POL S 533 Seminar on Contemporary Chinese Politics00000
POL S 418 Japanese Trade Politics00000
POL S 547 Politics of Reform00000
POL S 586 Topics in International Political Economy00000
POL S 559 Special Topics in Political Methodology00000
POL S 306 Media, Society, and Political Identity00000
POL S 589 Special Topics in Political Economy00000
POL S 597 Directed Readings00000
POL S 800 Doctoral Dissertation00000
POL S 430 Civil-Military Relations in Democracies00000
POL S 246 African American Politics00000
POL S 204 Introduction to Comparative Politics00000
POL S 305 The Politics of Mass Communication in America00000
POL S 341 Government and Politics of Canada00000
POL S 319 American Political Thought from Reconstruction to the Present00000
POL S 301 Topics in Political Theory00000
POL S 333 Topics in International Relations00000
POL S 442 Government and Politics of China00000
POL S 350 Government and Interest Groups in the United States00000
POL S 315 Black Identities and Political Power00000
POL S 368 The Politics and Law of International Human Rights00000
POL S 249 Introduction to Labor Studies00000
POL S 405 Advanced Seminar in American Politics00000
POL S 329 Global Communication00000
POL S 417 Political Economy of India00000
POL S 457 Topics in Labor Research00000
POL S 426 World Politics00000
POL S 462 The Supreme Court in American Politics00000
POL S 346 Governments of Western Europe00000
POL S 313 Women in Politics00000
POL S 352 American Political Parties00000
POL S 470 Public Bureaucracies in the American Political Order00000
POL S 357 Minority Representation and the Voting Rights Act00000
POL S 356 Society and Politics00000
POL S 367 Comparative Law and Courts00000
POL S 476 Strategy in Politics00000
POL S 384 Global Environmental Politics00000
POL S 273 The Concept of Political Power00000
POL S 403 Advanced Seminar in International Relations00000
POL S 495 Study Abroad: Political Science00000
POL S 409 Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy00000
POL S 361 United States Courts and Civil Liberty00000
POL S 416 Economic Theory as Applied to the Political System00000
POL S 519 Modern Scandinavian Politics00000
POL S 422 International Environmental Politics Seminar00000
POL S 320 State-Society Relations in Third World Countries00000
POL S 428 Military Intervention00000
POL S 526 The Security of China00000
POL S 433 International Relations in Southeast Asia00000
POL S 370 Privacy00000
POL S 537 Approaches to East European Politics00000
POL S 440 European Fascism00000
POL S 443 Comparative Political Societies00000
POL S 453 The State Legislature00000
POL S 544 Problems in Comparative Government00000
POL S 464 The Politics of American Criminal Justice00000
POL S 385 Political Ecology of the World Food System00000
POL S 471 Politics of Risk00000
POL S 552 Special Topics in Political Communication00000
POL S 477 African Politcal Development00000
POL S 327 Women's Rights as Human Rights00000
POL S 489 Honors Thesis Writing00000
POL S 561 Law and Politics00000
POL S 498 The Washington Center Internship00000
POL S 411 Theories of the State00000
POL S 502 Qualitative Research Methods00000
POL S 566 Comparative Law and Politics00000
POL S 505 Comparative Politics Core00000
POL S 303 Public Policy Formation in the United States00000
POL S 512 Time Series and Panel Data for the Social Sciences00000
POL S 572 Electoral Systems00000
POL S 520 Seminar on Russian Foreign Policy00000
POL S 415 Women's Rights in an Integrated Europe00000
POL S 527 Special Topics in International Relations Research00000
POL S 577 The Politics of Social Movements00000
POL S 538 Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa00000
POL S 331 Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa00000
POL S 542 Seminar: State and Society00000
POL S 582 Institutional Analysis00000
POL S 550 American Politics Core00000
POL S 421 Relations Among Communist and Post-Communist States00000
POL S 556 American Political Development00000
POL S 588 Special Topics in Comparative Political Economy00000
POL S 562 Law, Politics, and Social Control00000
POL S 213 The Korean Peninsula and World Politics00000
POL S 587 Politics of Urban Reform00000
POL S 593 Theories of Decision Making00000
POL S 591 Applied Game Theory for Political Economy Research00000
POL S 427 International Political Economy00000
POL S 598 Independent Writing I00000
POL S 600 Independent Study or Research00000
POL S 120 Perspectives on Contemporary Public Policy Issues00000
POL S 337 Collective Violence and the State00000
POL S 212 Philosophy of Feminism00000
POL S 201 Introduction to Political Theory00000
POL S 281 Literature and American Political Culture00000
POL S 434 International Relations of South Asia00000
POL S 302 Free Will, Nature, and Nurture in Politics and Society00000
POL S 217 Issues of Global Justice00000
POL S 309 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Pre-Modern00000
POL S 308 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Ancient and Medieval00000
POL S 316 African-American Political and Social Thought00000
POL S 295 Study Abroad: Political Science00000
POL S 322 International Political Economy of Latin America00000
POL S 439 Politics of Divided Korea00000
POL S 330 Communications in International Relations00000
POL S 304 The Press and Politics in the United States00000
POL S 336 Political Violence00000
POL S 343 Politics and Change in Southeast Asia00000
POL S 347 Politics of International Law00000
POL S 310 The Western Tradition of Political Thought, Modern00000
POL S 354 Elections and Voting in the United States00000
POL S 448 Politics of the European Union00000
POL S 363 Law in Society00000
POL S 318 American Political Thought from the Colonial Era to the Civil War00000
POL S 381 Urban Politics and Policy in the United States00000
POL S 195 Study Abroad: Political Science00000
POL S 401 Advanced Seminar in Political Theory00000
POL S 325 The Arab-Israeli Conflict00000
POL S 445 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe00000
POL S 454 Political Communication Seminar00000
POL S 414 Politics and Culture00000
POL S 332 Topics in Comparative Politics00000
POL S 420 Soviet and Russian Foreign Policy00000
POL S 351 The American Democracy00000
POL S 338 Topics in Public Policy00000
POL S 101 Introduction to Politics00000
POL S 203 Introduction to International Relations00000
POL S 299 Special Topics in Political Science00000
POL S 324 Europe in World Politics00000
POL S 382 State Government00000
POL S 541 Institutions and Institutional Change in the Soviet Union, Russia, and the Newly Independent States00000
POL S 449 Politics of Developing Areas00000