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WOU Course Reviews

Western Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
IS 340Information Management II33341
MTH 231Elements Discrete Math I42331
IS 345Systems Analysis33241
IS 301Information Systems Automation31341
IS 485Intro To Computer Security34451
ED 259Sped & Inclusive Communties55551
IS 486Network Security34451
IS 270Operating Systems43431
BI 371Structure Of Seed Plants00000
ASL 415Asl Syntax And Semantics00000
CH 105LLab:Consumer Chemistry00000
BI 331General Microbiology00000
ASL 310Asl Fingerspelling00000
BI 461Conservation Biology00000
ANTH 214DPhysical Anthropology00000
BA 230Introduction to Business Law00000
CH 313WInstrumental Anlys00000
CH 345Introduction To Toxicology00000
CH 452Biochemistry Lab00000
A 392Intermediate Sculpture00000
ANTH 372DSocial Constructions Of Race00000
BA 362Business Ethics00000
CJ 241DIntro Comm Crime Prev00000
CJ 331Police & Comm: Policy Prspctv00000
ANTH 407Sem: Sex And Culture00000
BA 421Cost Accounting00000
BI 318Microbiology Health Sciences00000
ASL 205Introduction to Asl Studies00000
BI 343Analysis of Biological Data00000
A 481Adv Painting00000
BI 432LLab: Immunology00000
ASL 353Linguistics Of Asl00000
CA 103HHonors:Correlated Study Arts00000
A 371Screen Printing00000
CH 221LLab: General Chemistry00000
ASL 475Deaf Sociology00000
CH 335Organic Chemistry00000
ANTH 324DAnthropological Theory00000
CH 412Inorganic Chemistry Environmnt00000
BA 317Intermediate Accounting I00000
CIE 213Intro to Cybercrime00000
A 315Intermed Design: 2-Dimensional00000
CJ 321Principls Forensic Investigatn00000
BA 392DManagement Of Diversity00000
CJ 407Senior Capstone Seminar00000
A 406Art Histry:Contmp Art & Theory00000
ANTH 476Religion & Ritual00000
BA 438Real Estate Investment00000
BA 474Business Leadership00000
BA 484International Management00000
A 318Gallery Internship00000
A 421Print Desgn: Strctrl & Contemp00000
AS 112Air Force Today00000
BA 490Operations Managemnt00000
BA 495Organization Design00000
AS 212Development/Air Power00000
BI 101LLab:General Biology00000
BI 315LLab: Cell Biology00000
ASL 201American Sign Language IV00000
BI 324Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
A 471Adv Printmaking00000
BI 335LLab: Adv Human Anatomy/Physio00000
ASL 301American Sign Language Vii00000
BI 357General Ecology00000
A 350Intermediate Ceramics00000
BI 424Human Dissection00000
ASL 327Deaf Cinema History00000
BI 451Invertebrate Zoology00000
A 495Bfa Thesis Project: Sculpture00000
BI 561Conservation Biology00000
ASL 413Asl Cherology/Phonology00000
CH 103LLab: Allied Health Chemistry00000
A 306History Modern Art 1965-Pres00000
CH 150Preparatory Chemistry00000
ASL 429American Deaf History00000
CH 223LLab: General Chemistry00000
ANTH 216Cultural Anthropology00000
CH 320Intro To Forensic Science00000
BA 131Intro to Business Computing00000
CH 338Lab:Organic Chemistry II00000
A 382Painting: Watercolor00000
CH 407Seminar00000
BA 310Principles of Marketing00000
CH 442Physical Chemistry III00000
ANTH 369Evolution Of Ethnographic Film00000
CH 463Experimental Chemistry00000
BA 340Business Forecasting00000
CJ 214The Juvenile Justice System00000
A 206Art Hst:Baroque-Contemporary00000
CJ 267CSocial Justice Rsrch & Writing00000
BA 370Business and Society00000
CJ 327WRsrch Methods Criminal Justice00000
ANTH 392Applied Anthropology00000
BI 103General Biology00000
A 445Bfa Thesis:Visual Comm Design00000
AS 312Air Force Ldshp/Mgmt00000
BI 134Intro Human Anatmy & Physiolgy00000
BI 211LLab: Principles of Biology00000
AS 412World Region Cultural Stds00000
BI 213Prncpls Bio: Structre & Functn00000