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WSU Course Reviews

Washington State University - Pullman

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUS 262[ARTS] Rock Music: History and Social Analysis55521
MUS 210Violin00000
MUS 560Introduction to Graduate Studies in Music00000
MUS 566Seminar in Music History00000
MUS 586Seminar in Piano Pedagogy00000
MUS 590General Music Material/Methods00000
MUS 103Voice00000
MUS 153[ARTS] Musical Style in Composition00000
MUS 162Introduction to Acting00000
MUS 181Class Piano I00000
MUS 201Organ00000
MUS 204Horn00000
MUS 207Euphonium00000
MUS 553Seminar in Music Theory00000
MUS 212Violoncello00000
MUS 215Oboe00000
MUS 218Saxophone00000
MUS 252Applied Theory I00000
MUS 256Seminar in Composition00000
MUS 266[ARTS] Film Music00000
MUS 301Organ00000
MUS 305Trumpet00000
MUS 308Tuba00000
MUS 310Violin00000
MUS 495Percussion Techniques II00000
MUS 435Chamber Ensembles00000
MUS 438[ARTS] Jazz-Lab Band00000
MUS 444Marching Band/Varsity Band00000
MUS 455Seminar in Instrumentation00000
MUS 458Advanced Jazz Improvisation00000
MUS 464Audio Engineering II00000
MUS 480Instrumental Music Education00000
MUS 485Woodwind Techniques II00000
MUS 488Choral Methods and Materials I00000
MUS 491Voice Pedagogy00000
MUS 493Brass Techniques II00000
MUS 313Contrabass00000
MUS 497Directed Student Teaching in Music00000
MUS 501Organ00000
MUS 504Horn00000
MUS 508Tuba00000
MUS 510Violin00000
MUS 513Contrabass00000
MUS 516Clarinet00000
MUS 520Guitar00000
MUS 531[ARTS] Concert Choir00000
MUS 535Chamber Ensembles00000
MUS 540Jazz Combos00000
MUS 518Saxophone00000
MUS 489Choral Methods and Materials II00000
MUS 492Brass Techniques I00000
MUS 494Percussion Techniques I00000
MUS 496Topics in Music00000
MUS 498Piano Pedagogy Practicum00000
MUS 502Piano00000
MUS 505Trumpet00000
MUS 506Trombone00000
MUS 511Viola00000
MUS 514Flute00000
MUS 517Bassoon00000
MUS 486String Techniques I00000
MUS 522Graduate Recital00000
MUS 533[ARTS] Madrigal/Chamber Singers00000
MUS 537[ARTS] Symphonic Wind Ensemble00000
MUS 541Accompanying00000
MUS 556Graduate Seminar in Advanced Composition00000
MUS 561Seminar in Literature of 20th Century Music00000
MUS 575Advanced Conducting00000
MUS 588Choral Methods and Materials I00000
MUS 591Voice Pedagogy00000
MUS 597Performance Studies for Distance Learners00000
MUS 700Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination00000
MUS 420Guitar00000
MUS 316Clarinet00000
MUS 319Secondary Performance Study00000
MUS 352Applied Theory III00000
MUS 359[HUM] [M] History of Music: Antiquity to 165000000
MUS 363[DIVR] Women in Music00000
MUS 372Diction for Singers II00000
MUS 403Voice00000
MUS 406Trombone00000
MUS 409Percussion00000
MUS 413Contrabass00000
MUS 417Bassoon00000
MUS 432[ARTS] University Singers00000
MUS 430[ARTS] Treble Choir00000
MUS 434[ARTS] Symphony Orchestra00000
MUS 437[ARTS] Symphonic Wind Ensemble00000
MUS 441Accompanying00000
MUS 451Seminar in Counterpoint00000
MUS 456Seminar in Advanced Composition00000
MUS 459Seminar in Advanced Jazz Composition00000
MUS 465Seminar in Major Performance Literature00000
MUS 482Instrumental Conducting00000
MUS 483Choral Conducting00000
MUS 457Seminar in Jazz Arranging/Composition00000
MUS 404Horn00000
MUS 408Tuba00000
MUS 411Viola00000
MUS 414Flute00000
MUS 416Clarinet00000
MUS 428[ARTS] Opera Workshop00000
MUS 431[ARTS] Concert Choir00000
MUS 433[ARTS] Madrigal/Chamber Singers00000
MUS 436[ARTS] Symphonic Band00000
MUS 440Jazz Combos00000
MUS 452Electronic Music Techniques00000
MUS 401Organ00000
MUS 461[CAPS] The Musician in Society: Philosophies and Practices,...00000
MUS 470Marketing and Promotion for the Performing Arts00000
MUS 484Woodwind Techniques I00000
MUS 487String Techniques II00000
MUS 490General Music Material/Methods00000
MUS 499Special Problems00000
MUS 503Voice00000
MUS 507Euphonium00000
MUS 509Percussion00000
MUS 512Violoncello00000
MUS 515Oboe00000
MUS 265[HUM] Native Music of North America00000
MUS 160[ARTS] Survey of Music Literature00000
MUS 164Introduction to Music Technology00000
MUS 190Foundations of Music Education00000
MUS 203Voice00000
MUS 206Trombone00000
MUS 209Percussion00000
MUS 213Contrabass00000
MUS 216Clarinet00000
MUS 251Materials and Structures of Music I00000
MUS 254Applied Theory II00000
MUS 258Introduction to Jazz Improvisation00000
MUS 519Secondary Performance Study00000
MUS 282Class Piano IV00000
MUS 303Voice00000
MUS 307Euphonium00000
MUS 311Viola00000
MUS 314Flute00000
MUS 317Bassoon00000
MUS 320Guitar00000
MUS 353Materials and Structures of Music IV00000
MUS 360[HUM] [M] History of Music: 1650 - 185000000
MUS 364Audio Engineering I00000
MUS 351Materials and Structures of Music III00000
MUS 253Materials and Structures of Music II00000
MUS 257Jazz Theory00000
MUS 264Music Technology I00000
MUS 281Class Piano III00000
MUS 302Piano00000
MUS 304Horn00000
MUS 306Trombone00000
MUS 309Percussion00000
MUS 312Violoncello00000
MUS 315Oboe00000
MUS 318Saxophone00000
MUS 220Guitar00000
MUS 354Applied Theory IV00000
MUS 362[DIVR] History of Jazz00000
MUS 371Diction for Singers I00000
MUS 402Piano00000
MUS 405Trumpet00000
MUS 407Euphonium00000
MUS 410Violin00000
MUS 412Violoncello00000
MUS 415Oboe00000
MUS 418Saxophone00000
MUS 429[ARTS] Tenor/Bass Choir00000
MUS 102Piano00000
MUS 528[ARTS] Opera Workshop00000
MUS 534[ARTS] Symphony Orchestra00000
MUS 538[ARTS] Jazz-Lab Band00000
MUS 550Seminar in Analysis00000
MUS 559Seminar in Advanced Jazz Composition00000
MUS 562Seminar in Major Ensemble Literature00000
MUS 580Instrumental Music Education00000
MUS 589Choral Methods and Materials II00000
MUS 596Topics in Music00000
MUS 600Special Projects or Independent Study00000
MUS 702Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examinatio...00000
MUS 120[ARTS] Class Guitar00000
MUS 151Music Fundamentals I00000
MUS 161[ARTS] Introduction to Theatre00000
MUS 163[ARTS] World Music00000
MUS 182Class Piano II00000
MUS 202Piano00000
MUS 205Trumpet00000
MUS 208Tuba00000
MUS 211Viola00000
MUS 214Flute00000
MUS 217Bassoon00000