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Professor William Cooney Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: William Cooney / Spring 2023

Apr 30, 2023

Comments on the course

I went into the classes not interested in anything ethics, but I found that I had a lot of interesting thoughts on the subject and it gave me a lot to think about.

Course Content

Very light on course work with only 6 discussions , 3 exam, and a final essay with most of the grade coming from the 3 exams.

Comments on the professor

He was very passionate about the subject and you can feel it, but is not tech savvy in the slightest. Most of the assignments are easy when you attend his lectures for he bases everything on them.

Course: PHI 2600Delivery: HybridGrade: AWorkload: Very LightTextbook Use: Optional
Attendance HeavyExam Heavy