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Miami Course Reviews

Miami University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
THE 111BIntro to Ballroom Dance - FLW4.
STA 261Statistics34351
MUS 101Theory of Music I55551
ENG 221Shakespeare And Film54541
MTH 222Introduction To Linear Algebra43451
KNH 184Motor Skill Lrng & Performance53551
BIO 161Principles of Human Physiology44341
ARC 222History of Architecture II13111
ENG 273English Lit 1660-190033441
CMR 108Introduction To Business Law55551
CPB 582Process Control13111
GLG 301Sedimentology And Stratigraphy43341
HST 333Reconstruction:Europe Snc 194553431
ACC 221Intro To Financial Accounting33221
CHM 144College Chemistry Laboratory22331
GLG 121Environmental Geology35351
THE 111AIntro to Ballroom Dance - Lead55551
BIO 115Biolog Concepts: Ecol Evol Gen32331
ENG 219Introduction to Linguistics34431
CSE 278Systems I31241
PSY 242Abnormal Psychology42551
IMS 390Special Topics in IMS53551
HST 353Hist Of Chinese Civilization00000
GTY 702Knwldge Construction/AdvTheory00000
HST 360GHistory of South Africa00000
HST 382Women In American History00000
HST 350AFrom War Zone to Home00000
GTY 608The Logic of Inquiry00000
HST 357Gilded Age America00000
GLG 560Adv Topics in Hydrogeology00000
HST 360EMiddle East in Late Antiquity00000
GTY 745Sociology of Aging00000
GLG 408LIntro To Hydrogeology Lab00000
HST 400Senior Capstone In History00000
GLG 670Geochemical Modeling00000
HBW 201Intermediate Modern Hebrew00000
HST 400W20th Century European History00000
HST 433Oral Tradition:History & Prac00000
HON 290JHon Teaching Lead & School Org00000
HST 450BEarly American Conspiracies00000
HST 470BGermany 1918-194500000
GRK 102Beginning Greek 200000
HST 121HWestern Civilization00000
HST 550Topics in American History00000
HST 601Historical Methods00000
HST 206Intro to Historical Inquiry00000
HST 670ACapitalism00000
HST 4005Russian History00000
HUM 320Humanities Lab00000
GLG 436Paleoclimatology00000
GRK 410Special Topics In Greek00000
HST 224Africa To 188400000
IDS 154Introduction to Study Abroad00000
IES 211Energy and Policy00000
HST 241Intro To Islamic History00000
IES 278LUnderstanding Food Systems Lab00000
IES 419Environment, Society & Justice00000
HST 350BBlack Europe and Italy00000
GTY 602Perspectives in Gerontology00000
HST 350MAmerican Road Trips00000
GLG 535Soils and Paleosols00000
HST 355History of Modern Sport00000
GTY 612Innovations Aging Marketplace00000
HST 359HJunior Honors Colloquium00000
GLG 377Independent Studies00000
HST 360TMexico since Independence00000
GTY 708Quant. Methods & Statistics00000
HST 371Native Americas Hist to 184000000
GLG 630Mineral Surface Geochemistry00000
HST 387US Constitution To 186500000
GTY 751Categorical Modeling in Aging00000
HST 400RWorld & Comparative History00000
GLG 244Oceanography00000
HST 410EAfro-Latin America00000
HON 190Intro Honors Experience00000
HST 436Havighurst Colloquium00000
GLG 730Advanced Igneous Petrology00000
HST 459Historicizing the News00000
HST 112Survey Of American History00000
HST 533Oral Tradition:History & Prac00000
GLG 428Hydrogeological Modeling00000
HST 552Florence, 1250-155000000
HST 147Introductory Seminar00000
HST 604Research Seminar II00000
GRK 202Plato00000
HST 670Colloquium in History00000
HST 216Introduction to Public History00000
GLG 180AGems and Gem Formation00000
GLG 461Geophysics00000
GTY 154Big Ideas in Aging00000
HST 252History at the Movies00000
IDS 253Voices Intergroup Dialogue00000
HST 231Genocides in the 20th Century00000
IES 274Environment and Sustainability00000
GSC 602College Teaching00000
HST 254HIntro Russian & Eurasian Stds00000
GTY 310OMA Leadership Experience00000
HST 270KHistory of the World Wars00000
HST 270OHistory of Ancient Greece00000
GLG 322Structural Geology00000