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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
APSC 100Introduction to Engineering I2.
APSC 160Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design4.
APSC 201Technical Communication32.32.33.73
APSC 450Professional Engineering Practice3422.52
APSC 101Introduction to Engineering II2.92.5332
APSC 496EInterdisciplinary Engineering Design Project - INTER ENG PRJECT00000
APSC 486New Venture Design00000
APSC 498BDirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
APSC 498KDirected Studies - SUSTNBLTY INITVS00000
APSC 520Co-op Work Term I00000
APSC 521Co-op Work Term II00000
APSC 522Co-op Work Term III00000
APSC 540Entrepreneurial Thinking for Applied Scientists00000
APSC 541Technology Entrepreneurship for Engineers00000
APSC 598GTopics in Engineering - SUSTBLE-BLDGPROJ00000
APSC 110Co-operative Education Work Term I00000
APSC 176Engineering Communication00000
APSC 412Co-operative Education Work Term00000
APSC 498DDirected Studies - LGHT ENRGY SIM00000
APSC 107Introduction to Engineering Co-op00000
APSC 496AInterdisciplinary Engineering Design Project - INTER ENG PRJ...00000
APSC 310Co-operative Education Work Term00000
APSC 173Engineering Analysis II00000
APSC 178Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves00000
APSC 182Matter and Energy I00000
APSC 183Matter and Energy II00000
APSC 210Co-operative Education Work Term00000
APSC 261Technology and Society I00000
APSC 262Technology and Society II00000
APSC 278Engineering Materials00000
APSC 279Engineering Materials Laboratory00000
APSC 496DInterdisciplinary Engineering Design Project - INTER ENG PRJECT00000
APSC 366The Art of the Possible: An Introduction to Engineering for Non-Engineers00000
APSC 377Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control00000
APSC 383Prototyping00000
APSC 402Living Language: Science and Society00000
APSC 410Co-operative Education Work Term00000
APSC 411Co-operative Education Work Term00000
APSC 440Management Fundamentals for Technology-Based Product Marketing and Development00000
APSC 172Engineering Analysis I00000