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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
STAT 200Elementary Statistics for Applications342.73.73
STAT 201Statistical Inference for Data Science3.73.744.33
STAT 300Intermediate Statistics for Applications3.43352
STAT 306Finding Relationships in Data3.22.5332
STAT 301Statistical Modelling for Data Science44442
STAT 302Introduction to Probability42341
STAT 305Introduction to Statistical Inference32441
STAT 548ADirected Studies in Statistics - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
STAT 547OTopics in Statistics - TOPICS IN STAT00000
STAT 560Statistical Theory I00000
STAT 599Co-operative Work Placement II00000
STAT 344Sample Surveys00000
STAT 406Methods for Statistical Learning00000
STAT 461Statistical Inference II00000
STAT 520BTopics in Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory - VARIATIONALBAYES00000
STAT 538AGeneralized Linear Models - GEN LINEAR MODLS00000
STAT 545BExploratory Data Analysis - DATA ANALYSIS II00000
STAT 548BDirected Studies in Statistics - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
STAT 589M.Sc. Project00000
STAT 649Doctoral Dissertation00000
STAT 521ATopics in Multivariate Analysis - FND MULTIVAR ANL00000
STAT 547RTopics in Statistics - GAUSS PROCESSES00000
STAT 550Techniques of Statistical Consulting00000
STAT 547MTopics in Statistics - STAT OF EXTREMES00000
STAT 450Case Studies in Statistics00000
STAT 547HTopics in Statistics - TOPICS IN STAT00000
STAT 251Elementary Statistics00000
STAT 498Co-operative Work Placement III00000
STAT 399Co-operative Work Placement II00000
STAT 447BSpecial Topics in Statistics - STAT COMPUTING00000
STAT 499Co-operative Work Placement IV00000
STAT 535BStatistical Computing - COMPSTAT00000
STAT 540Statistical Methods for High Dimensional Biology00000
STAT 547NTopics in Statistics - ECO + MAR STAT00000
STAT 551Statistical Consulting Practicum00000
STAT 598Co-operative Work Placement I00000
STAT 203Statistical Methods00000
STAT 398Co-operative Work Placement I00000
STAT 443Time Series and Forecasting00000
STAT 545AExploratory Data Analysis - DATA ANALYSIS I00000
STAT 535AStatistical Computing - CONVEX OPTIM00000
STAT 536EStatistical Theory for the Design and Analysis of Clinical Studies - BIOSTAT METHODS00000
STAT 547CTopics in Statistics - PROB OF STATS00000
STAT 549AThesis for Master's Degree - THESIS FOR MSTRS00000
STAT 561Statistical Theory II00000
STAT 321Stochastic Signals and Systems00000
STAT 404Design and Analysis of Experiments00000
STAT 460Statistical Inference I00000
STAT 520ATopics in Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory - TPCS BAYESIAN AN00000
STAT 536DStatistical Theory for the Design and Analysis of Clinical Studies - LATENT VAR MODS00000