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UCR Course Reviews

University of California, Riverside

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GSST 016HHonors Sexuality and Religion in Global Perspective4.
CS 111Discrete Structures11131
ECON 002Introduction to Macroeconomics43221
CS 202Advanced Operating Systems33231
MATH 009AFirst-Year Calculus55541
MATH 046Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations42441
VNM 001Elementary Vietnamese22331
CS 235Data Mining Techniques54251
CS 130Computer Graphics43431
ME 018AIntroduction to Engineering Computation21331
HIST 020WWorld History: The Long Twentieth Century54341
ART 009Introductory Web-Based Art: Site Creation And Navigation44441
HIST 015World History: 1500 to 190034321
BCH 010Introduction To Nutrition55551
ENGL 004LEnglish Writing32111
GSST 021Gender and Sustainability44551
CS 242Information Retrieval and Web Search43451
ENTM 100General Entomology54551
ENTM 109Field Entomology42431
BPSC 011Plants and Human Affairs53451
CS 205Artificial Intelligence43441
GSST 001SGender and Sexuality53541
ART 293Directed Individual Studio Production43451
AST 112Modern Korean Literature00000
ANTH 155Human Osteology00000
AST 150In Women's Hands: Reading Japanese Women Writers00000
AST 034Introduction To Classical Japanese Literature00000
ANTH 142EBlacknss & Mass Incarceration00000
AST 134Modern Chinese Literature In Translation00000
AHS 285Getty Consortium Seminar00000
ANTH 166Anthropology Of Global Health00000
AST 166Vietnam And The Philippines00000
BCH 015Introduction Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BCH 110HBHonors General Biochemistry00000
AHS 170Baroque Architecture00000
AHS 299Research for Thesis or Dissertation00000
ANTH 188Islam, Women, and the State00000
BCH 180EGene Regulation00000
BCH 198IInternship in Biochemistry00000
ANTH 198IInternship in Anthropology00000
BCH 230UAdvanced Topics in Biochemistry00000
BCH 250Oral Presentations In Biochemistry00000
ANTH 006Introduction to World Music00000
ANTH 207Archaeology Of Power And Ideology00000
BCH 297Directed Research00000
BIEN 101Quantitative Biochemistry00000
ANTH 256Seminar in Cultural Anthropology00000
BIEN 130Bioinstrumentation00000
BIEN 140ABiomaterials00000
AHS 124Conceptual Art In Latin America00000
AHS 176Twentieth-Century Photography 1900-196000000
ANTH 100History Of Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 291Individual Studies in Coordinated Areas00000
BIEN 165Biomolecular Engineering00000
BIEN 175CSenior Design00000
ARBC 004Intermediate Arabic00000
BIEN 224Cellular And Molecular Engineering00000
ART 400Artist Practice Seminar00000
ANTH 132Cultural Ecology00000
AST 048Chinese Cinema00000
AHS 279Seminar In American Art00000
AST 127Music Cultures Of Southeast Asia00000
ANTH 145Sexualities And Culture00000
AST 139The Arts Of Buddhism00000
AHS 160Renaissance Architecture00000
AST 160The Vietnam Wars00000
ANTH 163Transnational And Global Communities00000
AST 180Japanese Documentary00000
AHS 297Directed Research00000
BCH 098IIndividual Internship in a Humanitarian or Healthcare Arena00000
ANTH 176Music Cultures Of Southeast Asia00000
BCH 110HAHonors General Biochemistry00000
AHS 113Sixteenth-Century Mexico: An Art Of Two Worlds00000
BCH 187Fundamentals Of Enzymology00000
ANTH 191Cultural Resources Management00000
BCH 211Molecular Biology00000
ANTH 001HHonors Cultural Anthropology00000
BCH 230KAdvncd Topics In Biochemistry00000
ANTH 201Critical Theories Of Gender,Race, And Blackness00000
BCH 261Seminar in Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics00000
AHS 175Industry And Alienation: Late Nineteenth-Century American Ar...00000
BIEN 001Introductory Colloquium In Bioengineering00000
ANTH 252Seminar in Archaeology00000
BIEN 111Advanced Statistical Methods and Research Design for Bioengi...00000
ANTH 020SCulture, Health And Healing00000
BIEN 136Tissue Engineering00000
ANTH 262Seminar In Medical Anthropology00000
BIEN 142Introductory Biomedical Optical Imaging00000
AHS 017CHistory Of Western Art: Baroque To Modern00000
BIEN 175BSenior Design00000
ANTH 301Directed Studies In The Teaching Of Anthropology00000
BIEN 201Mathematical Methods For Bioengineering00000
ANTH 101Contemporary Anthropological Theory00000
BIEN 234Orthopaedic Regenerative Engineering And Mechanobiology00000
AHS 186Media And Movements: Film, Video, Photography, And The Visua...00000
ANTH 109Women, Politics, And Social Movements: Global Perspectives00000
ARC 075Phys- Splmntl Inst Cnas00000
ART 001Beginning Drawing and Design00000
ANTH 115UAndean Prehistory00000
ART 005Beginning Sculpture and Three-Dimensional Design00000