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UMD Course Reviews

University of Maryland

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENME 464Cost Analysis for Engineers54341
BMGT 230Business Statistics43341
ENCE 614Communications for Project Managers14111
CMSC 131Object-Oriented Programming I42351
ENME 690Mechanical Fundamentals of Electronic Systems54441
CMSC 351Algorithms43451
BSCI 330Cell Biology and Physiology43551
ENME 440Applied Machine Learning for Engineering and Design42541
ANTH 788Internship Research00000
ANSC 625Developing Presentation Skills00000
AOSC 484Climate System Modeling00000
ANTH 698Advanced Field Training in Ethnology00000
ANSC 446Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction00000
AOSC 432Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean00000
AMSC 762Data Analysis Project00000
ANTH 413Health Disparities in the United States00000
AOSC 620Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere I00000
AOSC 818Frontiers in Atmosphere, Ocean, Climate, and Synoptic Meteorology Research00000
ARCH 402Architecture Design Studio III00000
AMSC 460Computational Methods00000
AMST 418Cultural Themes in America00000
ANTH 444Theories of the Past00000
ARCH 419Independent Studies in Architectural Technology00000
ARCH 448Selected Topics in Visual Studies in Architecture00000
AMST 498Special Topics in American Studies00000
ANTH 462Amazon Through Film00000
ANTH 669Advanced Developments in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANSC 436Animal Health Policy and Communication00000
ANTH 742Advanced Methods in Cultural and Heritage Resource Managment00000
AMSC 715Numerical Methods for Evolution Partial Differential Equations00000
ANTH 899Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
ANSC 455Applied Animal Behavior00000
AOSC 462Ecohydrology00000
AGNR 798Seminar in Rural Education00000
AOSC 602Mesoscale Meteorology00000
ANSC 699Special Problems in Animal Science00000
AOSC 670Physical Oceanography00000
AMSC 808Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
ARAB 628Special Topics in Arabic Studies00000
ANTH 428Special Topics in Bioanthropology00000
ARCH 408Special Topics Architecture Design Studio00000
AASP 621Public Policy and Black Communities00000
ARCH 427Theories of Architecture00000
ANTH 451Environmental Archaeology00000
ARCH 458Selected Topics in Urban Design00000
AMSC 660Scientific Computing I00000
AMST 601Introductory Theories and History in American Studies00000
ANTH 467Researching Environment and Culture00000
ANTH 472Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 478Special Topics in Linguistics00000
AAST 498Advanced Topics in Asian American Studies00000
AMSC 662Computer Organization and Programming for Scientific Computing00000
AMST 628Seminar in American Studies00000
ANTH 487Honors Thesis00000
ANTH 496Field Methods in Archaeology00000
AMST 639Reading Course in Selected Aspects of American Civilization00000
ANTH 606Qualitative Methods in Applied Anthropology00000
ANTH 664Anthropology of Cultural Heritage00000
ANSC 410The Gut Microbiome and its Roles in Health and Disease00000
ANTH 689Special Problems in Anthropology00000
AMSC 698Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
ANTH 722Ecological Anthropology00000
ANSC 443Physiology of Lactation00000
ANTH 745International Heritage Management00000
AGNR 661Rural Community Analysis00000
ANTH 856Museum Research Seminar00000
ANSC 452Avian Physiology00000
AOSC 420Physical Oceanography00000
AMSC 761Applied Statistics Seminar00000
AOSC 437Global Climate Change: Past and Present00000
ANSC 497Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA Laboratory00000
AOSC 472Mesoscale Meteorology00000
AASP 602Interdisciplinary Research Methods in Afro-American Studies00000
AOSC 498Senior Research Project II00000
ANSC 660Poultry Literature00000
AOSC 614Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability00000
AMSC 764Advanced Numerical Optimization00000
AOSC 662Ecohydrology00000
ANSC 899Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
AOSC 675Carbon Cycle and Climate: Past, Present, and Future00000
AGNR 889Internship in Education00000
ARAB 410Ideology of Stereotyping: American and Middle Eastern Film and Television00000
ANTH 421Nutritional Anthropology00000
ARAB 789Independent Study in Arabic00000
AMSC 898Pre-Candidacy Research00000
ARCH 405Graduate Architecture Design Studio II00000
ANTH 440Theory and Practice of Historical Archaeology00000
ARCH 412Architecture Technology III00000
AASP 443Blacks and the Law00000
ARCH 423History of Roman Architecture00000
ANTH 448Special Topics in Archaeology00000
ARCH 430Measuring Sustainability in Architecture00000
AMST 429Perspectives on Popular Culture00000
ANTH 613Health Disparities in the United States00000
AMSC 666Numerical Analysis I00000
AMST 698Directed Readings in American Studies00000
ANTH 629Advanced Developments in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 640Advanced Studies in Theory and Practice of Historical Archaeology00000
AMST 851Interpretation of Cultural Landscapes00000
ANTH 647Advanced Material Culture Studies in Archaeology00000