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UW Course Reviews

University of Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 131 Composition: Exposition44.833.84
ENGL 281 Intermediate Expository Writing43.5532
ENGL 302 Critical Practice3.52.54.532
ENGL 349 Science Fiction and Fantasy4.54542
ENGL 182 Composition: Multimodal55551
ENGL 316 Postcolonial Literature and Culture54541
ENGL 348 Studies in Popular Culture55551
ENGL 355 American Literature: Contemporary America54541
ENGL 378 Special Topics in Theories/Methods45531
ENGL 242 Reading Prose Fiction55541
ENGL 323 Shakespeare to 160343531
ENGL 202 Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature44541
ENGL 368 Women Writers45531
ENGL 370 English Language Study00000
ENGL 522 Topics in the English Renaissance, 1485-166000000
ENGL 440 Special Studies in Literature00000
ENGL 485 Novel Writing00000
ENGL 359 Contemporary American Indian Literature00000
ENGL 562 Discourse Analysis00000
ENGL 537 Topics in American Studies00000
ENGL 572 Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language00000
ENGL 600 Independent Study or Research00000
ENGL 105 English for International Teaching Assistants00000
ENGL 277 Introduction to Children's and Young Adult Literature00000
ENGL 315 Literary Modernism00000
ENGL 382 Special Topics in Multimodal Composition00000
ENGL 200 Reading Literary Forms00000
ENGL 308 Marxism and Literary Theory00000
ENGL 358 African American Literature00000
ENGL 510 History of Literary Criticism and Theory IV00000
ENGL 383 The Craft of Verse00000
ENGL 422 Arthurian Legends00000
ENGL 472 Language Learning00000
ENGL 543 Anglo-Irish Literature00000
ENGL 501 Textual Theory00000
ENGL 531 Early American Literature00000
ENGL 558 Capstone in Textual and Digital Studies00000
ENGL 578 Colloquium in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages00000
ENGL 592 Graduate English Studies00000
ENGL 369 Research Methods in Language and Rhetoric00000
ENGL 109 Introductory Composition00000
ENGL 298 Intermediate Interdisciplinary Writing - Social Sciences00000
ENGL 206 Rhetoric in Everyday Life00000
ENGL 321 Chaucer00000
ENGL 211 Literature, 1500-180000000
ENGL 335 English Literature: The Age of Victoria00000
ENGL 338 Modern Poetry00000
ENGL 319 African Literatures00000
ENGL 431 Topics in British Literature00000
ENGL 256 Introduction to Queer Cultural Studies00000
ENGL 270 The Uses of the English Language00000
ENGL 451 American Writers: Studies in Major Authors00000
ENGL 285 Writers on Writing00000
ENGL 297 Intermediate Interdisciplinary Writing - Humanities00000
ENGL 212 Literature, 1700-190000000
ENGL 325 English Literature: The Late Renaissance00000
ENGL 471 Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing00000
ENGL 299 Intermediate Interdisciplinary Writing - Natural Sciences00000
ENGL 352 American Literature: The Early Nation00000
ENGL 506 Modern and Contemporary Critical Theory00000
ENGL 363 Literature and the Other Arts and Disciplines00000
ENGL 342 Contemporary Novel00000
ENGL 376 Introduction to Middle English Language00000
ENGL 515 Chaucer00000
ENGL 395 Study Abroad00000
ENGL 258 Introduction African American Literature00000
ENGL 452 Topics in American Literature00000
ENGL 532 Nineteenth-Century American Literature00000
ENGL 478 Language and Social Policy00000
ENGL 354 American Literature: Early Twentieth Century00000
ENGL 494 Honors Seminar00000
ENGL 555 Feminist Theories00000
ENGL 527 Romanticism00000
ENGL 201 Introduction to English Within the Humanities00000
ENGL 546 Topics in Twentieth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 570 Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language00000
ENGL 564 Current Rhetorical Theory00000
ENGL 364 Literature and Medicine00000
ENGL 584 Advanced Fiction Workshop00000
ENGL 590 Master of Arts Essay00000
ENGL 601 Internship00000
ENGL 309 Theories of Reading00000
ENGL 111 Composition: Literature00000
ENGL 103 Writing from Sources00000
ENGL 257 Asian-American Literature00000
ENGL 375 Rhetorical Genre Theory and Practice00000
ENGL 288 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing00000
ENGL 141 The Research Paper00000
ENGL 303 History of Literary Criticism and Theory I00000
ENGL 121 Composition: Social Issues00000
ENGL 314 Transatlantic Literature and Culture00000
ENGL 205 Method, Imagination, and Inquiry00000
ENGL 327 English Literature: Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century00000
ENGL 388 Professional and Technical Writing00000
ENGL 213 Modern and Postmodern Literature00000
ENGL 244 Reading Drama00000
ENGL 210 Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 160000000
ENGL 259 Literature and Social Difference00000
ENGL 443 Poetry: Special Studies00000
ENGL 282 Intermediate Multimodal Composition00000
ENGL 322 English Literature: The Elizabethan Age00000
ENGL 295 Study Abroad00000
ENGL 457 Pacific Northwest Literature00000
ENGL 306 Introduction to Rhetoric00000
ENGL 304 History of Literary Criticism and Theory II00000
ENGL 474 Special Topics in English for Teachers00000
ENGL 328 English Literature: Later Eighteenth Century00000
ENGL 307 Cultural Studies00000
ENGL 477 Children's Literature00000
ENGL 310 The Bible as Literature00000
ENGL 483 Advanced Verse Workshop00000
ENGL 313 Modern European Literature in Translation00000
ENGL 225 Shakespeare00000
ENGL 331 Romantic Poetry I00000
ENGL 486 Playwriting00000
ENGL 320 English Literature: The Middle Ages00000
ENGL 326 Milton00000
ENGL 492 Advanced Expository Writing Conference00000
ENGL 329 Rise of the English Novel00000
ENGL 330 English Literature: The Romantic Age00000
ENGL 504 Digital Literary and Textual Studies00000
ENGL 333 English Novel: Early and Middle Nineteenth Century00000
ENGL 495 Major Conference for Honors in Creative Writing00000
ENGL 334 English Novel: Later Nineteenth Century00000
ENGL 339 English Literature: Contemporary England00000
ENGL 360 American Literature and Culture00000
ENGL 508 History of Literary Criticism and Theory II00000
ENGL 367 Gender Studies in Literature00000
ENGL 251 Literature and American Political Culture00000
ENGL 373 History of the English Language00000
ENGL 513 Old English Language and Literature00000
ENGL 380 Special Topics in Histories00000
ENGL 345 Studies in Film00000
ENGL 386 Asian-American Literature00000
ENGL 517 Sixteenth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 199 Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Science00000
ENGL 442 The Novel: Special Studies00000
ENGL 528 Victorian Literature00000
ENGL 466 Queer and LGBT Studies00000
ENGL 351 American Literature: The Colonial Period00000
ENGL 475 Colloquium in English for Teachers00000
ENGL 535 American Culture and Criticism00000
ENGL 481 Special Studies in Expository Writing00000
ENGL 266 Literature and Technology00000
ENGL 491 Internship00000
ENGL 550 Studies in Narrative00000
ENGL 497 Honors Senior Seminar00000
ENGL 356 American Poetry00000
ENGL 520 Seventeenth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 559 Literature and Other Disciplines00000
ENGL 110 Introductory Composition00000
ENGL 541 Contemporary Literature00000
ENGL 567 Approaches to Teaching Composition00000
ENGL 554 Theories of Structure, Genre, Form, and Function00000
ENGL 362 Latino Literary Genres00000
ENGL 561 Stylistics00000
ENGL 574 Research Methods in Second-Language Acquisition00000
ENGL 569 Topics in Language and Rhetoric00000
ENGL 284 Beginning Short Story Writing00000
ENGL 576 Testing and Evaluation in English as a Second Language00000
ENGL 585 Advanced Poetry Workshop00000
ENGL 587 Topics in the Teaching of Creative Writing00000
ENGL 366 Literature and Law00000
ENGL 599 Special Studies in English00000
ENGL 597 Directed Readings00000
ENGL 102 Essentials of College Reading & Writing00000
ENGL 204 Popular Fiction and Media00000
ENGL 108 Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing00000
ENGL 800 Doctoral Dissertation00000
ENGL 337 The Modern Novel00000
ENGL 372 World Englishes00000
ENGL 250 American Literature00000
ENGL 106 Advanced Placement (AP) English Preparation for University Study in English00000
ENGL 265 Introduction to Environmental Humanities00000
ENGL 312 Jewish Literature: Biblical to Modern00000
ENGL 283 Beginning Verse Writing00000
ENGL 115 Writing Studio00000
ENGL 296 Critical Literacy in the Natural Sciences00000
ENGL 379 Special Topics in Forms/Genres/Media00000
ENGL 300 Reading Major Texts00000
ENGL 198 Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Science00000
ENGL 305 Theories of Imagination00000
ENGL 104 Essentials of College Communication00000
ENGL 311 Modern Jewish Literature in Translation00000
ENGL 498 Senior Seminar00000
ENGL 340 Anglo-Irish Literature00000
ENGL 318 Black Literary Genres00000
ENGL 385 Modernism/Modernity00000
ENGL 324 Shakespeare after 160300000
ENGL 207 Introduction to Cultural Studies00000
ENGL 332 Romantic Poetry II00000
ENGL 317 Literature of the Americas00000
ENGL 343 Studies in Poetry00000
ENGL 411 Introduction to the Folktale Among Literate Peoples00000
ENGL 101 Writing from Sources I00000
ENGL 107 International Baccalaureate (IB) English Preparation for University Study in English00000
ENGL 197 Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities00000
ENGL 243 Reading Poetry00000
ENGL 336 English Literature: Early Twentieth Century00000