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Wayne State Course Reviews

Wayne State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 2870Anatomy and Physiology42552
PHY 3100The Sounds of Music33431
CSC 2110Computer Science I35451
ENG 3060Technical Communication II: Presentations24141
MAT 2020Calculus II42441
HIS 3995SpTpc:Antisemitism & Holocaust53541
MAT 2250Elementary Linear Algebra43451
ME 2500Numerical Methods Using MATLAB41551
CHM 3120Analytical Chemistry43251
MAE 1000Detroit by the Numbers55541
PHI 2320Introduction to Ethics53541
CHI 2000Chinese Phonetics44451
CSC 1100Problem Solving and Programming55551
ANT 3410Global Health43531
FYS 1010Learning with the Brain in Mind35121
MAT 2030Calculus III53451
NUR 2995Special Topics in Foundations of Professional Nursing55451
ENG 1020Introductory College Writing55551
CSC 1500Fundamental Structures in Computer Science54551
BIO 1511Basic Life Mechanisms Laboratory55551
NFS 2030Nutrition and Health55451
US 2000Introduction to Urban Studies45441
CSC 2200Computer Science II42351
BE 1200Basc Engg I:CAD/3-D Prntg45441
AH 5500Early Renaissance in Italy00000
AFA 5410Fashion Entrepreneurship00000
AH 5993Writing Intensive Course in Fine Arts00000
AH 1130Encounters with the Arts of Global Africa00000
AFA 3470Global Issues in Fashion Merchandising00000
AH 5735Art 1900-194500000
ACS 5996Honors Project00000
AIA 1610Architectural Drafting and Perspective Drawing00000
AFA 5442Fashion Design: Draping00000
AIA 4620Interior Perspective and Illustration00000
AIA 5660Supervised Field Experience00000
ACC 7148ERP Systems and Business Integration00000
ADA 2220Time-Based Media I: Video Art00000
AFA 5490Economics of Merchandising00000
AID 3310Presentation00000
AID 6310Advanced Studio/Exhibit00000
AFA 7990Directed Study00000
AME 3601Intermediate Jewelry II00000
AME 7600Graduate Study in Metal Arts00000
AED 5020Painting: Methods and Materials00000
AFI 3650Intermediate Weaving and Fiber Arts00000
AN 7070Clinical Practicum VI00000
AN 7181Advanced Principles of Anesthesia IV00000
AFI 5870Directed Projects: Fibers00000
AN 7690Advanced Clinical Anesthesia Practice Review I00000
AN 7900Advanced Pediatric Topics00000
ACC 5270Introduction to Taxation: Business Entities00000
ACC 7990Internship in Accounting or Tax Practice00000
AED 5690Collage, Assemblage, and Multi-Media: Methods and Materials00000
AFS 2010African American Culture: Historical and Aesthetic Roots00000
AN 8003Capstone Completion I00000
ANA 7075Mechanisms of Ocular Disease II00000
AFS 3140African American History I: 1400-186500000
ANA 8999Master's Thesis Research and Direction00000
AH 1000Introduction to Art00000
AFA 3420Construction Methods II00000
AH 3700Contemporary Art00000
ACS 3997Junior Seminar in the Visual Arts00000
AH 5560ST: Women Artists, 1600-202000000
AFA 4450Contemporary Fashion Theory00000
AH 5780Topics:Art&Politics in ModAmer00000
ACC 7122Advanced Accounting I00000
AH 7700Seminar in Modern Art00000
AFA 5424Fashion Design: CAD00000
AIA 3610Interior Design Studio II00000
ACS 7999Master's Essay Direction00000
AIA 5610Interior Materials and Systems00000
AFA 5470Visual Merchandising: Display00000
AIA 6610Interior Design Studio IV00000
ACC 5180Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting00000
AID 5310Advanced Presentation00000
AFA 5997Seminar00000
AME 2650Blacksmithing I00000
ADR 8800MFA Studio: Drawing00000
AME 5860Dir Prj: Metal Arts00000
AFI 2660Introduction to Fabric Printing and Dyeing00000
AN 7020Practicum and Simulation I00000
ACC 7280Accounting Data Analytics00000
AN 7110Advanced Pharmacology II00000
AFI 5650Weaving: Senior Project00000
AN 7241Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology II00000
AED 5160Theory and Practice in Art Education00000
AN 7880Anesthesia Seminar00000
AFI 7660Graduate Problems: Fabric Printing and Dyeing00000
AN 7920Case Presentations00000
ACC 5110Intermediate Financial Accounting II00000
ANA 7030Human Microscopic Anatomy00000
AFS 2250AfroLatino/a History and Culture00000
ANA 7270Special Projects in Anatomy00000
AED 6360Aspects of Art Therapy00000
ANA 9992Doctoral Candidate Status II: Dissertation Research and Dire...00000
ACO 1200Surface Studio00000
AED 7340Art Therapy with Adults: Assessment and Practice00000
AFS 3360Black Workers in American History00000
AFS 3420Pan Africanism: Politics of the Black Diaspora00000
AED 7890Art Therapy Internship00000