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UAH Course Reviews

University of Alabama in Huntsville

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 214Intro Discrete Structure323.52.52
ISE 390Prob & Engr Statistics I33331
HPE 169Basketball55541
MA 487Intro to Math Statistics55541
EGR 101Intro Computing Engineers53551
PY 404Theories of Counseling53541
PSC 102Intro to Comparative Politics55551
ACC 210Accounting for Business43351
AST 371Intro to Astrophysics42441
PY 302Experimental Psychology32451
ARS 160Drawing: Foundations23221
TH 122Theatre Appreciation45321
CS 637Deep Learning55551
FYE 101ECharger Success Engineering35111
IS 450Cybersecurity Management54551
CS 650Soft'W Engineering Proc23141
BUS 300Business Transitions00000
ARS 420Animation: Team Game Design II00000
BYS 205Coding Algorithms for Biology00000
BYS 300LCell & Development Bio Lab00000
ARS 311Game Design: Scripting & Des I00000
ARS 442Sculp: Casting II00000
BYS 321General Microbiology I00000
BYS 401LLaboratory00000
ARS 483Print: Screenprint II00000
BYS 436Biological Psychology00000
BLS 506Govmt Contract Law00000
ARS 395ST: PHOTO: Darkroom & Digital00000
BYS 119LLaboratory00000
ARS 230Graphic Design: Introduction00000
BYS 219Genetics and Evolution00000
ARS 432Graph Des: Senior Proj Mgmt00000
BYS 313LLaboratory00000
ACC 602Managerial Accounting00000
BYS 361General Biochemistry00000
ARS 455Photo: Documentary II00000
BYS 419Microbial Genetics00000
ARS 325Animation: Hard Surf Modeling00000
ARS 495Independent Projects00000
BYS 492Undergraduate Research00000
BYS 530App. Of Geostatistics/Al A&M00000
BYS 543Molecular Biology Of The Cell00000
ACC 431Principles of Auditing00000
ACC 680Financial Accounting Theory00000
ARS 333Graph Des: Watercolor & Dig I00000
AST 107Exploring the Cosmos II00000
BYS 602Bioinformatics II00000
BYS 631Medical Pharmacology/A&M;00000
ATS 452Synoptic Meteorology00000
CE 111Civil Engineering Graphics00000
CE 272Dynamics00000
ARH 301Ancient Greek Art00000
ARS 342Sculp: Casting I00000
ATS 510Operational Weather Forecast'G00000
ATS 551Atmos Fluid Dynamics I00000
ARS 348Digital Fabrication00000
ATS 572Satellite Meteorology00000
BLS 406Government Contract Law00000
ARS 387Print: Monoprint & Lithogphy I00000
BSE 780Biotechnology Sci/Eng Seminar00000
ATS 606Data Analy Atmospheric Scnts00000
BYS 109LLaboratory00000
ARS 415Animation: Team Game Desn I00000
BYS 120RRecitation00000
ACC 595Internship in Accounting00000
BYS 215LHuman Anat & Phys I Lab00000
ARS 422Animation: Character Animtn II00000
BYS 281Intro To Forestry/A&M;00000
ARS 260Drawing: Introduction00000
BYS 311Intro Molecular Undst Bio Syst00000
ARS 435Graphic Design: Typography II00000
BYS 317Vertebrate Zoology00000
ACC 414Cost Accounting00000
BYS 322LGeneral Microbiology II Lab00000
ARS 450Photo: Digital II00000
BYS 364Biogeography00000
ARS 322Animation: 3D Animation00000
BYS 402LLaboratory00000
ARS 476Painting: Contemporary II00000
BYS 431Biological Data Skills00000
ACC 613Tax Research00000
BYS 465Molecular Mthds Eclgy & Evolu00000
ARS 490Portfolio Development II00000
BYS 519Gene Structure & Function00000
ARS 329Animation: 2D Animation00000
BYS 532LLaboratory00000
AST 100Survey of Astronomy00000
BYS 562Community Ecology00000
ACC 310Interm Financial Acct I00000
BYS 625Medical Mycology/A&M;00000
ACC 513Corporate & Partnership Taxatn00000
ARH 304Twentieth Century Art00000
ARS 352Photo: Darkroom I00000
ATS 635General Circulation00000
BYS 691St: Animal Behavior00000
ARS 340Sculp: Fabrication I00000
ATS 652Adv Synoptic Meteorology00000
ARS 355Photo: Documentary I00000
ATS 655Boundary Layer Meteorology00000
ATS 670Satellite Remote Sensing I00000