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UC Davis Course Reviews

University of California, Davis

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MAT 017BCalculus for BioSci3.
SAS 013Disease & Society4.
IDI 141Infectious Diseases544.542
ECN 100AIntermed Micro Theory44.53.53.52
BIS 102Struc & Func Biomolecule3234.52
NUT 010Discov & Concepts3.54.52.532
CHA 101Human Gross Anatomy3.52552
ECS 188Ethics in an Age of Tech4.54.54.542
PHY 009AClassical Physics111.51.52
EEC 180Digital Systems II33532
ECS 032AIntro to Programming323.532
EEC 100Circuits II4.52.544.52
ECS 020Discrete Math for CS34332
PHY 009CClassical Physics43541
MUS 115History of Film Music34111
NPB 101Systemic Physiology41551
ECN 001APrinc Of Microecon32441
EEC 112Communication Electronic42431
ARE 018Business Law55541
BIM 299Research52431
DES 015Form & Color53441
CHE 002BGeneral Chemistry42231
BIS 101Genes & Gene Expression43451
PSC 135Cognitive Neuroscience54331
MUS 010Intro Music Lit53541
ENG 003Intro to Engr Design21341
DES 001Introduction to Design45341
PSC 001YGeneral Psychology51551
EDU 181Teaching in Sci & Math55551
PHY 007CGeneral Physics21331
DES 112UI/UX Design53551
CMN 165Media & Health45321
EEC 140ADevice Physics I43441
ECS 150Operating Systems51551
ECN 141Econ & Financ Fcst53541
CGS 138Consciousness&Cognition33331
ECS 170Artificial Intelligence53551
EEC 170Intro to Comp Arch53551
COM 007Lit of Fantsy & Supernat53541
ARE 132Coop Business Enterprise55421
AMS 021Objects & Everyday Life44511
ECS 164Human-Computer Inter35311
EVE 100Intro to Evolution44431
CDM 003Media Archaeology54441
ECN 001BPrinc Of Macroecon44341
CRD 118Technology & Society33431
VEN 128Wine Microbiology43541
ARE 100AIntermed Microeconomics22111
LIN 177Computational Linguistic43431
ECS 201AComputer Architecture52441
EXB 101Exercise Physiology45331
ETX 101Principles Environ Tox54541
EEC 150AIntr Signals & Systems I43441
GDB 090Intro Global Disease Bio55441
AST 025Intro to Modern Astrophy53541
MIC 102Intro Microbiology32551
BIS 015LData Science for Bio54451
LDA 050Site Ecology33211
EEC 018Digital Systems I11321
JPN 155Intro Japanese Folklore54511
DES 016Graphics & The Computer52551
EEC 130AElectromagnetics I53441
DES 014Design Drawing53451
AVS 198Directed Group Study00000
ANT 029Vikings00000
BAX 411Problem Structuring00000
BAX 461Practicum Initiation00000
AHI 186Contemporary Art00000
ANT 121Medical Anthropology00000
BCB 214Molecular Biology00000
BCM 092Intern Biol Chem00000
ANT 133Anthro of Ocean Worlds00000
BCM 497TBiol Chem Tutoring00000
BIM 102Cellular Dynamics00000
ABT 142Eqpt/Tech for Small Farm00000
AHI 190CSeminar Renaissance Art00000
ANT 145South Asia00000
BIM 120Intro to Materials BME00000
BIM 163Bioelec & Mech00000
ANT 156BAdvanced Human Osteology00000
BIM 189BBiomedical Imaging00000
BIM 218Microsciences00000
AHI 200AVis Theory & Intr Methds00000
ANT 180Zooarcheology00000
BIM 254Statistical Genomics00000
BIM 263Optical Microscopy Lab00000
ANT 200History Anth00000
BST 227Machine Learn Genomics00000
CDM 001Intro to Film Studies00000
AAS 298BGroup Study00000
ABT 190CResearch Conference00000
AHI 401Mus Tr:Curator Prin00000
ANT 263Human Foraging Theory00000
CDM 121Intro to Sonic Arts00000
APC 199Special Study00000
CDM 189Special Topics in CDM00000
CHA 198Directed Gp Study00000
AMS 095Careers/Identity Amr Cul00000
ARB 022Intermediate Arabic 2200000
CHE 002AHHonors General Chem00000